Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I need the help of strong prayer warriors.  We are a 2 years old planted church and missions and our primary focus.  I have sence realized we cannot do missions without a congregation.  We need your help praying for the financies to support our missions.  We all have a heart for God, but we are small in number and God blessed us with a beautiful building but keeping up the financial responsibility are more than the few of us can continue bear.  I rquest you pray for our direction so that I may grow this ministry in helping others.  I am not complaining God has been too good to me, and I gladly give him all I have. Shipping over seas and around the country is expensive.

On a personal note I solicit you prayers for my daughter who is a young single minister tryng to live a holy life in this unholy world, may extended family, my finance' who was injured in a serious car accident the day we were to get married, those who are homeles and hungry that we are able to give more than we recieve. For the warriors doing Kingdom building work and, for God, my father who showes us unconditional love and shares and his grace and mercy even though the time times we live.

Thank you  

Pastor Carole


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