Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

To all my prayer warrior friends

Thank you all so much for all the support given to me since I have joined this group.  I am heart felt when I think of you all.  God has commissioned us to give support to all those in any trouble or have worries about anything in our lifes.  Because when we ourselves are going thru difficult times He has been there for us, He said He will never leave us or forsake us, and He has not failed us yet. 

Since I have been apart of this group you all have done just that, you send notes and uplifting comments and I must say they always are inspiring and have helped me to get thru troubling times.  I try to offer the same spiritual uplifting to the requests for prayer and special needs when I see them.  I don't come to the site as often as I use to but I want you all to know that you are continually in my prayers.

My prayer is for all to stay close to God, met Him at His promises, continue to be there for one another and He will be always there for us.  Please continue to pray for me and family we are struggling at times and need additional prayer, and I find that when I stay in prayer for others I am uplifted more by God because as He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for us, He is God and there is no other god like Him.  He has always and forever been there for us and always will.  I love Him and give Him all the praise and Honor due to Him.  I am trusting Him at His word and I am being renewed day by day.  Again thank you all and may you all continue to be blessed by Jesus name, amen!!!


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Views: 47

Replies to This Discussion

You are very welcome for all the prayer support, we are all here for one another carring are own
crosses, it is a honor to pray for you and your needs Stephanie, Because God's love has been poured
into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us - Romans 5;5 Stay saved in Christ
Arms Stephanie, Elaine

Thank you my Sister in Christ, to God be the Glory.


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