Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Let remember to Pray we are Loosing to many of our children all over the land due to the Violence, Drugs,

also remember our Church Leaders, the Sick, and those who have fell by the wayside.

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SheMARY GEORGE is in my Prayers

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Heavenly Father Jehovah Yahweh, I come into agreement with Apostle Elizabeth and I lift up all children, here in America and in every nation on this earth.  I bind their minds from access to violence and drugs, I bind the lack of concern spirit of the parents who seem to be tied to the affairs of this world and allowing the children to go unattended and unsupervised due to the lack of the Word of God within the homes.  Lord God you promised that if we would keep our minds on you that you would protect us and we ask that you protect the families in this United States who are now victims of violence and drugs and have mercy upon those who inflict tragedy.  Dear Lord, I am asking your anointing and appointment for all Church leaders, and ask that you crown them with wisdom to teach and live holy according to your word.  Those who are suffering from sickiness, father God i proclaim your Word of healing by the stripes of Jesus Christ.  Father God your Word today and be a healer to those who call upon your mighty name.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


Praise God for such a powerful Prayer and I know and believe God is moving in what has went up before him. To God Be the Glory Amen Amen and Amen. Be Bless

Amen and amen.


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