Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

!st I give Glory, Praise and Honor to my Lord and Savior for blessing and keeping me. He is my strength and my rock. I'm standing on His promises to supply all my needs. Bless my foster children, I praise Him for my job that I know is on the way, I praise him for my transportation and I lift up Women at the Well Ministries....I have had 5 homeless women and 4 homeless live with me since 3/4/09. Father I know you to be a help in a time of need. Bless my ministry, my church, my pastors and ministers and those who are in need. Let your word be heard and instructions followed. The road map is real (BIBLE) Your word is true. Praise you!!!!!!

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Bless you! We also stand in agreement Almighty YHVH with this petition. In the name of Adonai Jesus, is this request in one Spirit made known.

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Gos said in His Word that he would supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory, just cotinue to have the faith and believe.....Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path......just believe.
Father, Most Holy and Mighty YHVH, first coming into agreement with each and every petition made unto you, knowing that you inhabit the praises of your people, so we just want to thank you along with our sister, thank you for all the good things that you have for your children, your people and the sheep of your flock. Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Adonai Jesus, for you are precious and longsuffering. Great is your tender mercies toward us. We thank you for your will, your prosperity and your righteousness, that shine and indwells us that enter into your secret place. We thank you that all her needs are met according to the riches of our glory, Father forgive us that we cannot even fathom the thing that are in store for all these your children. So Father we seek your face, and we wait on you confidently and strongly. Knowing that if you will take care of the birds of the air that surely you will tend us that seek you, and know that your mercy endureth fovever, blessed be your Holy, Holy Holy name. In the the name of Adonai Jesus we declare our petition, and in the name of the Almighty Father YHVH NISSI, the Great and Mighty I AM. Halleluyah and Let these things be so!


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