Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please pray for healing and deliverance,against any evil attacks in my life and to destroy any demons living in my body and blood and that anything that is not of God in my life should be destroyed .


Pray for my marriage and my unborn child for healthy pregnancy,God´s protection upon my baby´s life now and when his born and for safe delivery when the time is due and also for a peaceful and loving marriage and for my prayer life to be filled with God annointing .


Pray for God to open my spiritual eyes to see whats going on around me and to give me the strength and power to destroy the works of my enemies.


Thanks and bless you all.



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Good Morning Sis. Evelyn,
I am Sis. Demetria Nicole (you can just call me Demetria). I have been a member of Guardian's Prayer Warriors for about a year 1/2 now but haven't been active on the website. I will now become active as I truly am a prayer warrior for our Lord and I seek for all of us to be FREE in HIM through deliverance! I came across a Warfare Outline Prayer today in fact right before you posted this; and the irony is I can't see the actual prayer request. I still have dial up (soon getting high speed internet) so it is loading EXTREMELY slow and it hasn't loaded fully for the past 3 times I've tried! So I decided to go by my spirit's leading to post the warfare outline. I am also going to post it within the blogs it is so anointed from a website called Be free, Be healed, Be whole, Be delivered in Jesus' name right now! Love you in Christ,
Sis. Demetria
New Jersey

Visit; in the FT111 Forum section (click on left table of contents to go there) you will come to a forum and the last topic listed is WARFARE AND DELIVERANCE. That is where you will find this outline. God bless! GET FREE SAINTS!

Jesus gave His life that you could be free; He came to set the captives free. What we do when we need deliverance from the enemy's attack is repent for opening the door to the enemy and then command the demons to go.

Repent for fear...confess all of your fear before the Lord and ask Him to forgive you for entertaining this demon. Then, get a hold of it and cast it out. Make it go by the strength of your will.

Repent for rebellion...confess it and ask God to forgive you. Then, cast out a deaf and dumb spirit, you can identify it by the confusion it brings to your mind.

Repent for rejection (receiving rejection and for rejecting others)...confess it and ask for forgiveness. Then, cast out a spirit of the antichrist--this spirit is against everything that is pure and holy.

Repent for unforgiveness...confess all unforgiveness and ask God to forgive you and then release and forgive everyone who has hurt you or come against you in any way. Then, cast out a spirit of infirmity which keeps you hopeless, helpless, disabled, unable, sick, etc.

Repent for resentment...confess all areas of resentment and ask the Lord to forgive you and release you. Then, cast out a spirit of jealousy.

Repent for witchcraft...confess your desires and efforts to control others through your attitudes and behavior. If you have ever been involved in the occult, even reading horoscopes, playing with ouija boards, or anything else, repent and ask the Lord to forgive you. Then, cast out a spirit of divination.

Repent for pride. Cast out a haughty spirit.

Repent for hypocrisy and deception. Cast out a lying spirit that has caused you to live in fantasy.

Repent for idolatry...confess all areas where you have put people or things ahead of God. Then, cast out a spirit of whoredoms.

Repent for lust, whether sexual lust or greed or desire for approval and attention. Then, cast out unclean spirits. These usually come in groups, so make them all go.

Repent for defilement for the ungodly places you've been, things you've seen, heard or read. Repent for entertaining pornography and all that goes with it. Then, cast out a perverse spirit.

Repent for bitterness. Release all hurt and injury from the past and ask God to forgive you for being a victim of life's circumstances instead of taking your proper position of being victorious in Christ. Then, cast out a spirit of bondage.

Repent for discontentment. Cast out a seducing spirit that has seduced you into wrong attitudes and behavior.

Repent for depression, discouragement, disappointment. Cast out a spirit of heaviness.

Repent for laziness, procrastination, a desire to die, for wanting to give up, etc. Then, cast out a spirit of death.

Now, ask the Lord to fill all the empty places with His precious Holy Spirit and forbid those demon spirits to come back. Then, you MUST keep the doors of your flesh closed, i.e. don't entertain the things that you repented of again. Stay clean. Feed yourself on the Word of God; stay in prayer; turn from all evil.

We do want to pray: Father, we ask that You reveal the source of this demonic attack. Your word says that if we resist the devil he will flee, but Lord, we need to know what to resist, so we thank You for revelation in this regard and complete and total deliverance from every attack of the enemy in Jesus' name. Amen.

Marsha Burns


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