Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Prayer request for Gary and Cindy Hogman by way of Faith
Emmaus PA
Gary is serving in Iraq while his young wife is fighting
cancer here. See
request below.

Bobby S. Briggs, MSgt, USAF
Flight Sergeant


My name is Gary Hogman. Some of you receiving this know me,
some do not. My
wife, Cindy, is 32 years old and has just been diagnosed with
stage 4
cancer and her chances for survival are very slim. She was
pregnant with our

second child and had miscarried recently at 3 months, and now
we know why.
This is a request for you to forward this e-mail to everyone
you know asking

for prayer. The more people that pray for her to be healed,
the better. Pray

and forward. It only takes a second to hit 'forward'. Please
do it and don't

delete this, your prayer can, and perhaps will, save her
life. Please pray
and ask everyone you know to pray for the HEALING of Cindy and
the removal
all cancer in her body, so she may enjoy all that
life has to offer, and to continue to be the wonderful mother
to our
5-year-old son Michael. The power of Prayer is unsurpassed. I
want the whole

world to have her in their prayers the next few weeks. God
will hear our
Please do not be offended by my plea. This is only a request
for your help.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and
helping with our
request for healing! No words can express the power we have
when we each do
little to come together.

Regards, Cindy's husband - Gary

Thank you, and please send it to the far reaches of our world

Views: 188

Replies to This Discussion

I stand in agreement with the warriors for a supernatural healing for Ms. Cindy. I will pass this own to my prayer group at my church.

God is so good, I believe Gary God will not only here our prayer but I believe He will answered them as well, His word tells us if two of us shall agree as touching anything in faith believing it shall be done, do you here me it shall believe. I beleive it, you believe it that's all we need. Just go forward and beleve it with faith God bless.

Love & Prayers
Bro. Gray,
you and your wife are in prayers.
I know what Cancer can do to a family.

Bro. Keith
Bro. Gary u & r wife r in my prayers daily.

Heavenly God please send your healing touch and heal Cindy we know there is nothing to hard for God .Also watch over Gary my daughter in law shoronda who is serving our country in Afganastan and all our arm forces all over the world thank you Heavenly Father in the Mighty name of Jesus we pray.AMEN
May the Grace and Healing of God be with you during this time. My heart goes out to you.

Brother Rick


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