Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

URGENT Prayer rquest. My ex wife is falsely accusing me of child abuse. Court hearing July 16th

PLEASE PRAY!!! My wife Sarah left me in Miami, went back to Kansas City, in march 09' and divorced me. Pray for Sarah's TRUE salvation, COMPLETE conviction & deliverance. Pray God would send her angels & workers. PRAY FOR OUR MARRIAGE TO BE RESTORED IN JESUS NAME! We have a 2 year old son, Tristan. Sarah was doing much better recently even wanting to be friends with me and planning trips with my son and I.

Sarah is falsely accusing me of child abuse on my own son. There is a hearing in court at 9am in Kansas City on July 16th. Pray that the judge will see the truth. Please pray for justice for me against this evil. I am seeking full custody due to Sarah's mental illness among other things. I have not seen my son in almost a month because of this demonic nonsense. I do not want to hurt her legally but this demonic evil needs to stop NOW. I am trusting God for all out JUSTICE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH! Please pray for protection for my son & I. It is costing a ton of money that my father does not have to help defend me against these completely ridiculous allegations. Please pray that God will open Sarah's heart with a damascus road experience so that she will see the truth and stop all this evil. The DFS has already un-substantiated her claims and my lawyer subpoenaed the police officer to show the judge that Sarah lied to them.

May God bless everyone with special blessings who pray!

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PRAISE REPORT! God bless you guys so much for praying! Sarah got up on the witness stand this past Monday and started saying ridiculous things like that she's a medical expert and the judge stop the whole hearing and appointed a Guardian at Litem which is an intermediary lawyer to interview both parties. I get supervised visitation most likely the first weekend of August. So I Praise God for this. I Praise God for His hand in helping. God hears our prayers! PLEASE keep praying. My son and I need to meet with this Guardian at litem lawyer first weekend of August. I don't know why they need to meet with my son. I find it ridiculous because he's only 2 and a half. But anyway..


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