Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Kindly keep my friend Presley's family in your prayers and thoughts.
Thank you and God Bless.
Presley Pie
I come before all of you, my friends, and humbly ask if you could please keep my mom in your prayers. After the passing of my sister 4 years ago, she has struggled with type 2 Diabetes and high blood pressure. On Monday, she noticed she was having trouble seeing out of her right eye. She thought it would pass and didn't think to mention it to anyone of my sisters, or myself, so as not to worry us. As of today, she has lost total sight in her eye, and is also now having trouble seeing out of her left one. She has an appointment with a specialist early tomorrow morning, but is also worried because she does not have insurance, as no one will cover her because of her pre-existing conditions. She is very scared. Please, I ask all of you if you could please pray for her complete healing. That this condition, whatever it may be, can be reversible. Pray for her blood sugar to stabilize, her stress level to diminish, and her sight to be restored. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all.....
Presley Pie
a few seconds ago
Presley Pie
Prayer changes things, I have seen that. Things that otherwise have no answers. I have seen my God in action, and so I ask if you would please pray for her. We need her. My 10 yr old nephew needs her. They adopted him after my sister's death, and he cannot lose her too. Please, I beg you to pray for her. Fervently. Thank you and God bless you and yours...

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