Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Good morning brothers and sisters.
Kindly keep my friend James mother in your prayers and thoughts.
Attached below is his mail to me.
TY Chritine......but I have some very bad news.....had to fly last night back to my hometown of Montgomery mother has leukemia & the doctors have done all they can for her....I'm at the Atlanta airport right now waiting for my connecting mother is out of the hospital but has hospice helping her in her final days....Kimmi couldn't come with me to help...she's at home....
Thank you very much and God Bless.

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"When I said,My foot slippeth;thy mercy,O Lord,help me up.In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul."Psalm 94:18,19.Our God is faithful!Amen.Love in Christ,Lilia.
 no matter what happen u must have faith in GOD the word of GOD teaches us that the just must live by FAITH HAB 2:4 DO u know anyone in your church is highly anointed that can help your mother now here is your faith( Thank You JESUS) TAKE some anointing oil and anoint your mother head then anoint her feet no matter what u must have faith in GOD  it not GOD will for any to perisih but all come to the knowleage of GOD.NOW if u hear GOD voice u shall recieve HIS blessing GOD want people to smile and be happy now if sorrow do come now listen very very carefully do not i repeat do not blame GOD because with GOD HELP  and HIS BLESSING your mother shall be alright
Amen. I am too praying here.

Father, in Jesus' precious name I pray - You know how we mothers 'carry' for our children and our husbands we pray divine order for this season - pray that the son would be the child to the parent during this season. That the mother and son will be the way You have for them to be.  No matter what reports from the doctors seem to picture - we agree that the enemy is bound.  Your Will Be Done and grace and mercy - may their lives be full of your Love!!



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