Father in your prescense we surrender tonight, we first want to thank you for giving us life,and for the things that we already have and for the ones we dont have, we pray tonight that all prayers on this site get answer, we pray for our children, for our preachers,our ministries,our homes,our finances,our goverment,our goverment benefits,our president and his family,our soldiers,our home protection,we prayer for the parents of the children that have been abducted or murder, we pray for the parents of those children who have died in an accident,prayer fo rthe homeless,the hungry,the depress,the suicidal, for the drug addict,the prostitute, our occult enemies,the ill in the hospital,our priests,our nuns,our churches and there leaders,our spititual grow and power to defeat evil, for our spouses,for the single mothers and there home, this prayer i lift tonight in the name of the father Abba, Jesus or savior,his holy spirit,his querubins,seraphins and all that worship his name in earth and in heaven AMEN, Thank You Father cause it would be done,margarita diaz.