Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I think old time holiness is pretty much gone from the world today. Holy to me means not shacking up or lusting after someone. It means not cursing and it means not showing all of body parts. Nothing hanging out but modest dress. I know it is alot more than this but I am curious as to what the "church world" has to say. Please forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong spot I am kinda new to this :) smile

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I agree. Holiness means to be Christ like. So that means that we are to strive for perfection daily. The bible commands us to Be ye holy for God is holy.
Holiness to me means a way of life. A life style change. All of the things that you mentioned are indeed a part of living a righteous life. But, also the things that are not visible to the natural eye. Some of these things could be for example, holding on to unforgiveness, lying, manipulating others, gossiping and such. The word of GOD tells us that the small foxes is the things that spoil the vine.
Yes but does that mean we are to do what they did in the old testement. We know that the blood sacrafice is no longer necessary but what about the eating laws in leviticas do we follow those is that part of living holy before GOD. What about dress code. Isn't there suppose to be an outward show to make a difference as well. If I am in need of help how do I know a minister of the gospel if I have never set foot in a church before ,yes a person should have a lifestyle change GOD says he looks on the heart of man yes but what is the holiness of appearance that seperates us from clean and unclean holy and unholy. :) smile
I agree with u all; Holiness is a way of life, everyone makes mistakes but u r not suppose to keep repeating the same mistake u made the first time.
Yes that seems to be my problem making the same mistake. The life that I am trying to live in JESUS seems to be out of my reach because I keep on doing the same things to drive him away. I know that no one is perfect and all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD But how can I want to serve GOD so much and yet keep going in my own way. Is it that I am not really being honest with myself and I really dont want GOD as much as I say that I do? I am at a place in my life that I know GOD is calling me to a higher place in him I am not talking about in the gifts or more annointing I am talking about just having a relationship with him, but when the trial of this life or just things get me down I drop the ball. I drop GOD, I have a problem with negative thoughts and needing to know that people care about me. I try to come before GOD everyday yet it still seems like the enemy has more of me than GOD. I came to this site because of its name hoping that I could get some true people of GOD to pray with me. Anyway of enough of my pity party. Just tired of the same mistakes sorry to vent. :) smile
holliness is a way of life living holly watching what we take in with our eyes ears and tounge what we do with our body all should be given to the Lord
jesus said because iniquity shall abound the love of many will grow cold and the end will not come untill the great falling away we are in the 10 virgins time
Who really does this in todays society. Are there really people striving to watch what they take into their eyes and ears and what they say (and live holy) or are they just saying they are and then when no one is looking they say it is ok not to because the people I go to church with dont see me so it doesnt matter as long as no one knows it is ok. I have learned just a little about what some of the church world or people that profess to be christians have to say just recently. I found out that there are alot of people that say you can be a christian and be a whoremonger,a stripper, listen to R&B and that it is ok to do all manner of things and still say that you serve GOD. Not so GOD will take you in no matter what your problem is but once you choose him and confess him as your LORD he will clean you up and change your lifestyle you wont stay the same because if you could stay the same what was the need of JESUS coming and dying on the cross if you could stay in sin. He came to save them that were lost, those that are not sick have no need of a physician. He came that we might have life and life more abundantly, . :) smile
Hi smiles right back at you. All your points are very valid. The one point to remember is that God is love. He says come as you are. He's looking at peoples hearts. What one wears doesn't make them closer to God than any other person. It's not what they wear, its where is their heart towards God. If God wants them to dress different then God will talk to them about it. God loves them and he is not condemning them. People around them are condeming them. I've seen many people who dress all proper and they aren't close to God at all. And God isn't using them at all either. They aren't helping people around them. At our bible study I heard a woman saying how she was in the back of the church watching everyone determining on whether the person was dancing to the Lord or dancing for themself. I felt very sad for this person. She actually thinks she is so much better than anyone else that she has given herself the job of declaring she can decide who feels God or not. I can tell you for sure that God didn't give her the job of condeming people. This same woman said she never cries. My Lord how hard, waxed cold does a person have to be to where they never cry. This same woman is halaluja, aman to every word that comes out of the Pastor. I'm sure she also has something to say about how people dress. Yes people shouldn't live together. How many people in the bible lived together and had babies? Kinda like the father of many nations. God forgave him and used him mightily for his Kingdom. We are not here to judge anyone. I have seen people who dress wild and God has put many of his gifts in them and they are doing Gods work. I pray for the ladies in other countries who the devil has them bound with black robes from head to toes and with barely their eyes uncovered to be able to see. If you wear a dress to your knees you better believe theres someone out there that thinks you are showing too much. It's best to do as as God says and love. Be love. No matter what anyone wears just love them. I love you and Jesus loves you too, Linda
God is most definetly love if not for his love this world would not be here. I do feel sad for the lady as well as my self because I see some of myself in what you are saying. Do what GOD tells you and deals with you about, but didnt he put preachers and teachers here for a reason, for how can we hear without a preacher and how can he preach except he be sent. We can hear the preacher say for example that lying should not be a part of a christians life and we will leave chrurch and as soon as we are confronted with a situation that a lie will make all better we choose to lie rather than GODs word. When the word went forth through the preacher wasnt that GOD saying not to do that thing. We must love one another but in loving one another telling each other the truth about the word of GOD is apart of that. Wouldnt you want me to tell you or would you rather me keep my not say anything and watch the enemy destroy all that he can. It is not about condeming people but the word of GOD itself shines light on the things that are of the dark and that is when shame comes and condemnation. So I found out that when I hear the word of GOD and I feel angry or hurt it is because the word itself is showing me up for where I am wrong at. :) smile
With temptation swirling around us each day, it’s hard to walk in what we consider "holiness." But that might be because we don’t truly understand holiness.

We often equate holiness with a pious life, one devoid of sin at all times. But holiness isn’t a trait you earn.

Holiness comes when you understand your position in Christ. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and ask God to forgive your sins, God’s Holy Spirit begins to dwell in you. And one thing is for certain: God is holy.

So, if God is holy and His Holy Spirit inhabits you, wouldn’t that make you holy as well?

The minute you gave your life over to the Lord, you became holy. Peter reminds us of our call to live a holy life: "Because it is written, ‘You shall be Holy, for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16). God wouldn’t require us to do something that we couldn’t do.

Walking in holiness comes when we are no longer comfortable with sin. As sin becomes more repulsive, we grow more attracted to His ways, His ways that are higher than ours.

No longer should we desire to walk in the way of the ungodly, nor should it feel comfortable. (Proverbs 1:15) God has saved us from sin. And when we remember this and choose His way each time temptation crosses our paths, we will walk in holiness.
God is holy and He wants us to be holy. Even some of God's chosen people sinned against God those days even today. Now we are holy according to His wills by His only son who is holy. This is the only option left to make ourselves holy according to God's wills is to be in Christ and obey His words.


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