Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Jesus told stories when he was on earth to help us understand grace! Like the story of a group of guys who worked on a vineyard for the day. Some worked all day, some for just an hour, but the owner of the land chose to give them all the same pay. Why? Because he could and he chose to do it (Matthew 20: 1-16). Then there's the story of a son whose dad threw him a great big party to welcome him home, even though he had been really selfish and rebellious (Luke 15:11-32). These are grace stories, about people who received good things that they didn't deserve. God has things He wants to give to you. Even though no-one deserves it He wants to give them, and He can, because of His grace! Some people believe that if they try really hard to be good enough they can get themselves to heaven. Some people believe that they are so bad that they can never get to heaven. That's not how grace works. Grace is not about what you've done in the past or about what you can do in the future. It's about what God can do right now. '...God loved the world (you) so much that he gave his one and only son that whoever (you) believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life' (John 3:16) Accept God's grace today.

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Praise God. Very good and meaningful message.


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