Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

We hear a lot of talk about the " Remnant ", but do we truly understand the

meaning of this word. If you look it up in a dictionary, you will find some definitions

that resemble the following:

1) something left-over, a remainder

2) surviving trace of vestige

3) small surviving group of people

4) a gragment or scrap

These are all good definitions but there is more. Consider for a moment the essence

of a human life. A person has ups and downs in this lifetime. Sometimes, events or

causes that are beyond their control, tend to scar or damage a person. Sometimes people

feel that they are less or unacceptable to work for the Lord. God does not work with

your beginning properties or lifestyles that are acquired, he works with what you have left

and then builds you up from that. He takes your brokenness and creates a whole person,

a new being and uses you to proclaim victory in His name. You are placed on the Potter's

Wheel and reshape, reoraganized, renwed and rejuvinated. If we teach this then, people

would believe there is hope. Love in Christ is hope for all. Salvation is there for all who

will open up there hearts and minds to God. It is freely given.

Now let's take a look at how "Remnant" is defined in the biblical sense. It has a deeper

meaning according to the scriptures. Genesis 45:7 says, "God sent me ahead of you

to preserve for your REMNANT on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance."

In other words God planned the Remnant from the beginning. He knew exactly how

to execute the plan for the True Believers that are to represent Godliness in the last

days here on earth. Throughout the Bible their are references to HIS people, HIS

chosen, HIS followers of Jesus Christ, or HIS anointed, etc. What does is mean to us?

Here are a few suggestions of what Remnant means:

1) survivors of any great catastrophe

2) converted sons of God in the last days

3) those that survive the persecution of satan

4) those who prevail and are promised wonderful blessings

          and rewards for their faithfulness

God has reserved for Himself a faithful  group of believers. They are to do big things

as a demonstration of His power over strength and abilities of men. One scripture

phrases it as "He has chosen the foolish things of this world, to confound the wise."

(1 Corinthians 1:27) Many to us may not appear to be Remnant material but, we are

not the judge, God is.We see unlikely candidates and God sees potential.God uses

what you have after brokenness, so HE may rebuild HIS way. He can fashion you after

His own heart. God chooses these:

1)weak     2) weary     3) injured      4) those persecuted     5) cast outs   6) poor

7) humble to be a Remnant

The work is done through the Holy Spirit. These selected develop a strict devotion

to the Truths of His word. Then they are called to do the following:

1) repentance

2) obedience

3) prayer

4) proclamation

5) steadfast  courage

6) sacrifice

How does God show this towards them? By examples of great Mercy and Protection,

examples of great Wisdom and Knowledge, examples of Deliverance and Change, and examples of great Obedience and Faithfulness through them displayed. But, just how do we recognize those that are really REMNANT material? These are just some of the attributes that they will display:Godly lifestyle, gifts exhibited, sound doctrine, shared

spiritual characteristics, impassioned voices of concern for church and the lost, deep

committment, they initiate & motivate & trail blaze, a stirring in the spirit, a disatisfaction with superficial faith and mediocore christianity, a sense of urgency,

pursuit of deeper & more powerful prayer, recognition that spiritual warfare is real,

emphasis on the whole bible, heart for evangelism-to see lost saved, a compelling

desire to proclaim God's Word.

If you can identify yourself with any of the descriptions given, you know that you are

well on your way and in good company. These are just characteristics of those who

are set-aside for God's Kingdom Principles and as HIS workmen. The assignment is

great, but as any true believer recognizes, it is a labor of Love. Love for God, love for

His statutes, and love for His work in the earth. Arise to the call ! Be counted among

them that will reign with Jesus forever more. Will "YOU" answer the call?

God Bless and keep you all.

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                Comment by Karen Brankyesterday           Delete Comment

Prophetess Williams you are right we are seeing more and more signs that we are approaching the end of the age diseases (i.e. the return of the black plague, AIDS, and all different types of sexually transmitted infection). Also people are making pacts with the devil for riches of this world and our children and adults dabbling in witchcraft! Saints it is so important that when people come to us for deliverance that we not judge them because in the book of Acts Simon who was a warlock was delievered after he was rebuked by an Apostle.

People do not have to know the compassion, kindness, and love we show to a stranger. It is important to show the fruits of the spirit. We know a person is a believer by the fruit that they bare! So leaders it is not the offices that you will be known by but your fruit!

Galatians 5:22-25

New King James Version (NKJV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who areChrist’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

As you study the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation we must know what is to be taken literally and what is a symbol. The Holy Spirit must let us to read certain books in the bible. Leaders need to stop being afraid of Revelation because when you fail to teach people about end times they will be unprepared. IF you fail to prepare the body God will hold you accountable! So leaders get books, teachings, and a good concordance so you can understand these books. Also there are different translations of the bible but the 1611 version is the best one. As we pray, study, and meditate on the word of God we will be able to develop discernment. The body of Christ I am sorry to say lacks this essential spiritual gift! Because in these last and evil days there will be false prophets and teachers. We must be able to distinguish who is a teacher of Satan and who is a teacher sent from GOD! Before my relationship with God matured I thought that the false prophet and Anti-Christ would rise from outside the church but as time goes on I believe these two demonic entities will rise from within the walls of the church. Beware of people rewriting scripture for their own selfish agenda, those who believe they live above obeying the laws of God, and those who practice admoninations but claim to be spirtual leaders.

Proverbs 6:16-19

New International Version (NIV)

16 There are six things the Lord hates,   seven that are detestable to him: 17       haughty eyes,       a lying tongue,       hands that shed innocent blood, 18       a heart that devises wicked schemes,       feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19       a false witness   who pours out lies       and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Finally Homosexuality Leviticus 18:22!


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