Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Satan strategy is to control and corrupt our minds so that he will be able to gain control of our wills. As the prince of this world, he has the ability to blind the minds of unbelievers from seeing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When you face the negative forces of satan hindering spirits, you must not freeze in your tracks, turn around run or hide, helpless mass of self pity, against your mind and call upon the Lors's stength and grace which is sufficient to make you strong in your weakness. We must not yield to our hindering feeling of self-pity or discouragemenet. Instead we must take authority over self, cricify or put to death those feeling and allow the Holy Spirit to rise up within us as we rebuke satan and speak the Word of Faith.

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And in doing so we must go to the Lord in prayer, and fight that good fight where we as Guardian Prayer Warrior's do our battle down on our knee's, where the battle is fought. There in the Spirit, as we pray in the Spirit; we have that 1-on-1 personal relationship with the Lord. And he knows before we ask or think what we are coming to Him about. But the Lord God Almighty still wants to hear from his children, on a daily basis, just as we talk to each other on a daily basis too. And I always like a good fight, because I know that I am on the winning side.


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