Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

It's amazing how we want to know what was the last words or what was the person doing before he/she died.  Somehow, we find comfort to know what was the person doing moments or days before they died.  Maybe, we try to justify within our own selves, the reason(s) for the death or maybe it's our way of coping with one's death especially a loved one.
As David was drawing close to his last days on earth, the Bible made a point to say, these were the last words od David.  Obviously, last words and testimonies are of significant value. David had a message from God to the people of Israel. This message was no doubt from God.  The message to Israel was the qualities of an ideal ruler or leader.  The leader was to be a man of Godly character and integrity, he must be righteous, show no favoritism to family, friends, or respect to a person's wealth or status.  He must be fair with his dealings with all the people.  The leader/ruler must be pure and untainted by corruption, bribes or self-interest.
David ruled his people with character, although he was not perfect and made some grave mistakes, he had a repentant heart.  His primary goal was to serve the Lord.  God was with David because God had made a covenant with him.
Those who do not follow God's rule are doomed for destruction.  The evil doers were described as thorns.  You do know that no matter how beautiful a rose flower is, it has thorns and if you are not careful, you can be pricked and hurt.  So it is with evil influences and people.  If you hang around them long enough you will be hurt, and if you don't have tools(word of God), you will be utterly destroyed.
Let's do the right thing!  Trust God and do things His way. Remember. Our last words will be remembered. Be careful what you speak it just may be your last word. What I remember about my mother and bless me the last word we spoke , She died the next morning. I huged her told her I love here and she said the same. That would be our last words

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