Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hi All, This lesson let us know from the beginning. To the end who we should Praise
We give two much praise to man. Some people praise the Preachers more than they do God. We don't de serve any praises God deserve the praise.

The lesson for Sunday, August 5, 2012 is "Praise for God's Justice."  Scripture: Psalm 146:1-10.
This lesson starts and end with Praise ye the Lord.  This is one of the last five Psalms and is known as the "Hallelujah" Psalms.  This lesson admonishes us to put our trust in God, and not man.  Although man  can do many things and accomplish many feats, man is mere mortal.  He will let you down, disappoint you, fail you etc., because man  is mortal and will eventually die and return back to dust.
We are to trust and praise God, the creator of all mankind and the maker of everything.  He alone is worthy to be praised.  God is infallible, He feeds the hungry, heal the blind, give justice to those who suffer unjustly, He gives strength to the weak, He lifts burdens from those who are heavy laden.  He rescues the foreigners, widows and the fatherless.
We are to praise God every day for every thing.  We are to praise Him until our dying day.  He is the Creator of the universe.  Our hope is in God, the one who made heaven and earth.  If we are going to praise anybody, it should be God!!  Those who do not praise or trust God will have their lives turned upside down. Their lives will be utterly ruined who do not follow and seek after God.

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Praise Him!

We owe our all to God. Give of the best of your service.

He is the Righteous Judge. All our lives we are to show

Him gratitude and love. Amen

Aman WOG


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