Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

The lesson for Sunday, July 29, 2012 is "Making Judicial Reforms."  Scripture: II Chron. 19:4-11.
As we go about our daily duties and jobs, there comes a time when we are presented with crucial challenges that causes us to make judgement calls.  In Sunday's lesson King Jehoshaphat previously had made a wrong decision to join forces with King Ahad against Syrians.  A evil King This king lost his life in the battle and God spared Jehosaphat's life. The prophet Jehub rebuked. King Jehoshaphat for making an alliance with the ungodly. 19:1--3 The prophet also compliment the King on the Religous reforms he had already undertaken. I thank that is a lesson for today we outline the bad but never say anything about the good they do. God gave the King a second chance.He has not change He is still giving seconds chances
Jehoshaphat  was a good king and he set up judges in court systems in Judah.  He admonished all the judges to fear God, to be just in judging the people.  He reminded the judges that God will be with them and that they were not to show partiality, accept bribes, show favoritism when rendering their verdicts.  If they judged according to man, the wrath of God would come upon them.
How many Judges today render verdicts according to God's law? Does the statement "Justice for All" still hold true, according to the lesson?  Do we as a people judge others, spread rumors, and lies before knowing all the facts?  There is only one true Judge and that is Jesus Christ.

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Praise Him!

Great lesson. Truly God is a God of second chances. We should all be greatful for that fact. And

we should take this into account in our dealings with others. He forgives , and we too must learn to

forgive and give another chance to people. Do not condemn so easily as soem do for , we as followers

of Jesus Christ must realize where our motivation lies for relationship. All upright conversation and to be

loving, kind, and compassionate when dealings with people.We have no heaven nor hell to put them in.

When people see us representing christian behavior-they should see Jesus. We are the only example

that some may ever see. Let's make it count.

Thank you WOG. For that word I an in agreement with the word,thank you so much


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