Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Greetings Everyone,

Lesson for Sunday, April 14, 2013 is "New Power to Proclaim the Truth" Scripture Acts 2:1-13


This Sunday Lesson talks about what happened after Jesus resurrection, when the disciples were empowered with the Holy spirit.

After the resurrection Jesus appeared to His disciples and spent time with them for over 40 days He then ascended into Heaven. Jesus shared many things with the disciples in their conversations, one thing He instructed them to do was remain in Jerusalem for not many days hence the promise of the prophecy would be fulfilled (which would be the indwelling of the Holy Spirit). They did just as Jesus instructed them to do.

On the day of Pentecost they were all together in the upper room along with Mary the mother of Jesus and other followers of Christ praying and worshiping together all on one accord. (Pentecost is a Jewish Feast that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, 50 days after the resurrection). While they continued to pray a sound suddenly came from heaven along with rushing winds and it filled the area they were in, ( I think it would be safe to say that the promise was being manifested).

The disciples began to be empowered by the Holy Spirit (again they were all on one accord) and they began to speak in different languages, while the Holy Spirit moved other Jews that were there during the Pentecost could hear something going on, they all began to crowd around to see what was going on. Some had a lot of questions and wanted understanding and some mocked and joked about it. By this promise being fulfilled they were able to witness the work of the Holy Spirit, and how it was working through people from different nationalities, regardless of what they looked like, where they came from, they were not all Jews, but they all believed and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and freely allowed the Holy Spirit to work through them to help bring others to Christ. (the Holy Spirit can only be used through you if you believe and accept The Christ as your Lord and Savior)

Jesus had to make sure that the disciples were prepared for the work ahead so by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit others witness the miracle, signs, and wonders that can be done through the Spirit. The unbelievers became believers, now the truth which is the Word of God will continue to be preached. This is something we can use throughout our life here on this earth.

It's amazing how the Holy Spirit can move the way He wants when we are all accord

Take this thought from this lesson. " you must wait on the Holy Spirit" Pray and wait
Somebody say wait on it. second If the Church would be on one accord more people would be saved.healing could take place.Youks would be broken. God has gave us the answer to every problem.Let this mind be in you that is in Christ Jesus

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