Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

A Vision. Of the Future Jeremiah 30:1-3,18-22

Jeremiah is a Prophet of God's majors Prophets. And a Prophet of God can see the present and the future at the same time.

The basics them of Jeremiah message is simple "Repent and turn to God, or He will punish"

And Repentance is one of the greatest needs in our immoral World

Let me give you some Blueprint :

This was after the death of King Solomon's the United Kingdom of Israel had split. The Northern Kingdom was called Israel; the Southern, Judah . Jeremiah was call by God to be a Prophet to Judah

Jeremiah confronts many people with there sins
Kings, false prophets, those at the temples and those at the gates , but they rejected his message of repentance and warning.

Jeremiah prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem , because of Sin theTemple was Ruined and the people was captured and carried off to Babylon because they refuse to lister to God's message that was the present in the future he Prophesies that God would send a new Shepherd , the Messiah to lead them

Our lesson Chapter 30 verse 1-3 is Restoration, follows punishment now Jeremiah is no longer bringing destruction he is giving the people hope. What he is saying is you will one day be restored back to your land and God will make a New Covenant with them to replace the one they broke and disobeyed, they would one day repent and obey

Verse 18- 21 This prophecy that Jerusalem would be rebuild was not completely fulfilled by the work of Ezera, Nehemiah , and Zerubbabel . The city was indeed rebuild after the captivity , but the final restoration will occur when all believers are gathered in Christ's Kingdom. This will include buildings verse 18 and people verse 19 and rulers in verse 21

Verse 22 God's people

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