Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

“Living in Hope”

Lesson: 1st Thessalonians 4: 13-18 and 5: 1-11


In this lesson, Paul has written a letter to the Thessalonians to encourage them to continue in their faith in the Lord. In his letter to them he addressed their concerns regarding the return of the Lord and for all their family that had passed away. The Thessalonians knew and believe in Jesus and his return; however, they were concerned for that their family members who had died was not going to go to heaven and possibly miss Jesus upon his return. Paul told them that when Jesus returns, he will be coming back for those that died that believed in him and for everyone who was still living. Paul explained to them that the one’s that had died who believed in Jesus was not truly dead, but was sleeping; because those who die that believes in Jesus does not die in the same sense as non-believers who does not believe in Jesus and God, because the believers are a part of the body of Christ and that Jesus lives in them. They are no longer connected to the ways of the natural world, but are changed in the Spiritual world. Therefore when the believers died, it is not death, but the believers are taken a long nap, getting their rest until Jesus comes for them and those who are still walking around here on earth (the believers) will be caught up in the rapture with Jesus and those who are asleep. Paul explained to them that we should be on watch at all times, because they will not know the time or day when Jesus will return for those who belong to him. Paul told them to be equipped by living their lives in the way that honors and pleases God by putting on the full armor of God, with love, breastplate of righteousness, to have love in their hearts for their fellow man, have faith and believe. He told them that they were now children of light and they no longer walk in darkness condemned because of who they are in Christ. He told them that they now have salvation in Jesus because they believed that he died and rose for them to have eternal life.

Remember Paul is not only writing this letter to the Thess. Christians, but to Christians of all ages.

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