Steadfast Determination. Hebrews 10:19-21
The writer is writing to Jews that has turn from Judaism to Christianity and considering a return to Judaism.
These Jewish Christians was undergoing fierce persecution ,socially and physically, both from Jews. And from Romans. Christ had not returned to establish his Kingdom and the people needed to be reassured that Christianity was true and that Jesus was indeed the Messiah
This is the thing In the Old. Testament,the High Priest represent the Jews before God. His job was to regularly offer animal sacrifices according to the Law and to intercede with God for forgiveness of the people's sin The writer is writing a letter to these Hebrew Christians who was tempted to fall back into Judaism because of uncertainty and persecution
At the beginning of this latter the writer had to explain the Superiority OF CHRIST this was a issue. Explain the Angles,Moses,and the High Priest well
Psalm :2:7 well Christ is called Son" of God, a title never given to angle
Chapter 3 Jesus is greater than Moses. Moses was a man Jesus. Is Man and God
To the Jews the High Priest was the highest religious authority in the land He alone entered the Most Holy Place once a year to make atonement for the sins of the whole Nation (Liv.16)
This is the message. Jesus is our High Priest He don't go to God once a year He is at the right Hand of God now interceding for us .The writer said
Heb 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised; )
Faith, What is Faith.?
One answer Faith is confident trust in God's promises. God greatest promise is that we can be saved through Jesus.
Faith enables Us to face trials I am talking about Genuine Faith however the process of maturing in faith takes time. Daily comment and serving
10:19 this is a new covenant now you can walk bold in the blood of Jesus has remove the curtain now all of us may walk into God's present at any time. We don't have to wait for some one to pray for us. We have a High Priest name Jesus.
Verse 22-25
The writer tells us how to secure this New@Living Faith
1first thing we must draw near to God Jesus had made
It possible through the cross.
2. We must have a " true heart" This means genuine , sincere, honest, meaningful , and without hypocrisy . A true heart involves an Attitude of gladness , freedom, and enthusiasm.
We must have "full assurance of faith" that Jesus Christ is the one person who can and does give us access into God's presence
3.Hold fast our profession without wavering
1Cr 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
10.24. We must stir up one another to love and to do good work. How different the church would be if we feed the poor, become a friend to the lonely,
Mat 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven
10:26. The "Willful sin" is the sin of deliberately rejecting Christ, not the inadvertent sin of a follow. When people deliberately reject Christ's offer of salvation,they rejects God,s most precious gift
This warning was given to Jewish Christians who was tempted to reject Christ for Judaism.