Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

For many seasons repentence has been represented as the 'guilt' process - I mean the mind set of 'you are guilty (bad) so repent and get yourself together' as in bad, bad you.

Well repentence is not about how bad you are - true repentence is simply about forgiveness -- as in being touched by the Holy Spirit and waking up and paying attention to the fact that you need the Lord, you need God, you need the Holy Spirit - and you can't do 'it' by yourself - as in leaning to your own understanding.

Repentence is a process that the Spirit of the Lord leads us through to bring us to the well of truth - we are souls in need. If you don't recognize that you need you won't receive. So if you haven't woken up and been renewed through and through, I invite you now, from the essence of your heart, to cry out to God your heavenly, spiritual Father:

Hear my cry O Lord, attend unto my plea,
that from the end of the earth do I cry out to You,
My hear is overwhelmed
So lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I
that is higher than I.

Jesus is the ROCK of all ages and the one you come before when you repent -- in fact the clear picture is that God your Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit, your heavenly mother, leads you to Jesus Crucified, hanging on the cross. You meet Jesus where he paid the price for you - not to feel guilty, no, but to reconize the reality of what was given for you to be free!

And when you kneel at the foot of the cross, you accept the gift that Jesus paid for, you accept your New Life - your new spiritual life, in and through the anointing, that breaks all yokes and you are set free by the Son, who rose from the dead as the only Way for you to be.

Now this is Repentence -- you coming to the end of your self centered all alone, life, recognizing your need of life anew and through your surrender/repentence receiving the forgiveness of God. And as you do you are born again as in receiving your new life in Christ.

And since the Son has set you free, you are Free Indeed!!

Now the process of dying daily begins. Check out the next step.

Views: 38

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Really great message, thank-you so much.


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