There is a process involved in intercession. We begin with entering His gates with praise and thanksgiving. Then we move into worshipping Him in the beauty of Holiness and in quiet awe-filled awareness of God.
Of course, this process includes our 'dying to self'. The process that Paul spoke of in Romans 6:6, and all of Romans 7 as well as 1 Corinthians 15:31 (prayerfully read these scriptures). Remember, we have not arrived. Our New Birth is the beginning of our new prayer-life in Christ. It is daily that we live, move, and have our being in Him.
Daily we use our eyes that have been enlightened to know the truth and we clearly see from God's perspective as we do. Daily we wash our mind with the living water of the Living Word, so that our mind is daily renewed. Daily we pull down strongholds and vain imaginations that have been build into our souls through our life here on earth.
So as we pick up our cross every day and follow Jesus Christ, we daily are dying to self-revealed hierarchies of evil/sin as well as being healed in our souls from all the festering wounds we have experienced. This dying daily keeps us humble and far from pride. The cross of Jesus Christ becomes the shield that keeps us safe (saved) and secure in God's presence.
When we eneter into intercession, we come to TRUSTING in the Lord with all our heart, and we do NOT lean to our own understanding, especially about the Word of God -- I say again we DO NOT lean to our own understanding of the Word. Instead we acknowledge God in all, ALL of our ways, and humbly submit to His WILL, His guidance as we walk our path in this life.
The more you receive/get from God, the more you are being conformed to the image of Christ. The Fruit of the Spirit is being brought forth in you, of you, and through you. Love, God, is glorified in you through the Fruits of the Spirit. You become a light shining in the darkness around you. You become an instrument of God's Working, God's Purpose, and God's glory.
In each of ourl ives, in Christ, God is working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure, which is for His Glory and our good. God provides us with all that we need and are to do and are about doing.
Through this part of the intercession process, you learn to count it all joy when you fall into diverse, irritating and painful temptations. You come to know how rejoice in the midst of trials and tribulations, just as Jesus did. You know how to feast at the table prepared for you you in the valley of the shadow of death, in the presence of your enemies.
You learn how to receive the anointing oil that breaks all yokes that have been used in and through your life. You are learning how to reach out and touch God in your intercession for others, bringing God's Glory into their lives.
You wear the mantle of goodness and mercy - which follow you all the days of your life -- this is the overview of intercession, welcome to your calling.