Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Broken-ness - What?

When I look back over my life, I am amazed at how much borken-ness there is. Like most people who have survived or who believe they have arrived, I thought only about the goal, and the promises of God for me to achieve. I had closed the door to my borken-heartedness a long time ago. When I was a child.

Have you done that? You know, closed a door on some particularly harsh emotional memory that made you feel so helpless, so worthless? Do you have many closets where you have put parts and pieces of yourself away from the light? Judging that 'part or piece' unfit for 'life among the normals' and only fit for the closet?

Have you been hiding?

Jesus once called to all those who labored, who were heavily laden - in other words, all who were troubled, who toiled, who were weary from carrying heaviness. When you have many pieces of you hidden away in many closets, aren't you laboring? Aren't you heavily laden? And the real sad thing is that in the physical life, you can't see these burdens that we carry.

You know what I mean, don't you? Most people aren't aware of the heavy burdens you hide away and carry, along with the judgment you passed on yourself.

The younger you were when you did this hiding, the stronger you judged yourself. Haven't you seen younger children 2-5 years old, passing judgment on themselves and others. When this judgment starts in your early years, the burden has a long time to grow heavier and heavier.

Or let's look at 'closets of punishment' (what I call them). The younger you were, the deeper the closet, the fiercer you guard it, and/or maybe you have 'forgotten it' -- you know, become so numb to it that it disappears (or so it seems). We human beings are incredible when it comes to punishing ourselves and then 'forgetting' all about it.

Notice, in all that I've written so far, I did NOT state or use the word victim, NOPE!! Idon't remember feeling that way, and even if we are in a scenario that looks like we are victimes, in GOD we are MORE than conquerors.

Rather than takin an attitude or placing a judgment that places one in a scenario of total helplessness, no I believe God has led me to the truth -- we are in a place of NEEDING help, and this is different.

While we do need some help, we are not helpless. We have one power that makes a difference for us; WE CAN MAKE A CHOICE. Being able to lmake a choice is so big, so huge, so awesome, that we go right on by it, as if it were sky or earth or road. But 'Choice' is part of who we are -- a powerful gift, given to us by our creator -- God. The choice to be or not.

So do you have much hidden away? Jesus is calling, NOW! What do you do? You do have a choice -- you could choose to get relief, get rid of the 'baggage', get rest . . . . . .or not. Some of you have been carrying this junk for far too long, and you could end up like many in your family - dis-eased, de-pressed, and in de-nial and dead.

OR you could choose to do something extraordinary! You could choose to actually live this life -- what a concept! You could choose to let go of all that crap! (What an idea :-)), and be free from oppression and captivity.

Sound too good to be true? Well, in these days of going after what you shouldn't -- why not go after life? Fredom from fears and burdens. . . . why not? Especially since an invitation has been sent just for you. Why not answer that call that has been coming again and again in answer to your heart's cry for you to COME?

Why not go home and see what your Father/Abba/Daddy has for you? Why not go and get what He has prepared for you -- as in the banqueting table -- and celebrate at the party He has prepared for your return? Why go and see what this Jesus has to offer? Just as Him for help, and give up (as in cast all your 'cares' on Him/God/Abba/Daddyl) all the junk you've been carrying. The following verses are just for you - Matthew 11:28-30: Amplified version

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will [a]ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good--not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.

These are God's gift to you in this time, during this season of your life. Let's take each statement and separate the promise included in them so we see clearly.

1. Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and
* I will cause you to rest.
* I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls
2. Take my yoke upon you and Learn of Me;
* For I am gentle (meek)
* And humble (lowly) in heart and
* You will find rest
* Relief and ease and refreshment
* And recreation and blessed quiet
* For your souls
3. For my yoke is wholesome
* Useful, good (not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing)
* But comfortable, gracious and pleasant, and
* My burden is light and Easy to be born.

I hope this helps you get a grasp on just how much God loves you and has prepared a rest for you. The description above of God's purpose for restoration and repair, for rest and replenishment (supplying all we need). God's love is simple, and always more than enough, abundantly....always!

Views: 43

Replies to This Discussion

Yes My Sister, Such Powerful Anointing Words Of Jesus That Is So True !

Hello my dear Dr. Sew, I just completed reading your complete article of Broken-ness to Wholeness and here are some of my comments. I have to admit that I have several of those closet's and they have been welded shut. It hurts too much too even have to reflect upon the past, when there is so much to look forward in the things of Christ. And I am also a Amplified man too. And I must say that with God and knowing the Word of God as well as I do, the dis-appears, forgets, deep-sea, the dis-eased, de-pressed, the de-nial, and dead feelings all do not linger or haunt me. But once anybody wants to go digging in my back yard, I tell them the back yard is closed. I'd like to say that it is or has disappeared 100%, but I never think about it, until somebody wants to go digging where its none of their business to be digging back there. And it has not taken me to the point of oppression or captivity either, thanks to the power of prayer and fasting. Thank-you for your well written article.
You are welcome, and take care -- see clear and be free!!


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