Before you begin this training (as in doing) in intercession, you must know:
WHOSE you are and
WHO you are
1) Whose You Are - If you have been born again, You are God's the Father's child, God the Holy Spirit's loved one, and Jesus Christ's brother/sister. In other worlds you are God's through and through (Jhn 1:12; Ro. 8:14; 29)
2) Who You Are Again, if you have been born again, You are a Child of God, a Chosen generation one, a Royal priesthood, one of an Holly nation, a pecurliar people - called out of darkness into light, to be lights in theis world. (Jhn 1:12; 1Pet 2:9)
These are truths that we live in and move in and have our being in, day in and day out, 24/7. We do not ever arrive either in our being children of God or in our gifts or in our callings -- we are always learning and growing; always being conformed to the image of Christ.
The more we grow, being led by the Holy Spirit, the humbler we become. The more we know God loves us the more we enter into the true 'fear' of the Lord God, which is the respect and awesome awareness of God, personally. The more we know, personally, and call the Lord Jesus Christ our shepherd, and acknowledging more and more that we have no wants outside of God's will. The more we know and acknowledge God in all of our ways 24/7 we grow in the knowledge of the truths of God's world in ours. We drink daily from the living waters, which are the still waters, and eat from the green abundant pastures of life.
As we follow our Shepherd; we will walk through many valleys of the shadow of death in our earthly/fleshlly life, and yet we learn and grow in and come to NOT fearing any evil. We pick up our cross daily -- our cross of being crucified with Christ, nevertheless we live -- our cross of laying down our will and submitting to God our Father's will for us 24/7. And as we die to the self of sin, we are made alive in the image of Christ, the anointed one. We come to the truth and through the truth of eating at the banqueting table in the midst of our enemy (enemies). And our head is anointed daily with the oil of the Holy Spirit -- the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives -- which overflows, which is our cup of Spirit led service to God and for God, and this cup runs over continuously.
All true growth in God is Spirit led and confirmed with more glory in us to God and more authority of God in us. Our true growth in God is based on God's Love for us, our love/ obedience to God and one another; and God's Grace, unmerited favor, abounding in and through our lives. All of this is possible because of God's Mercy which is new for us each and every day.
Now I would re-read this and then begin a journal as you journey through the Way of Intercession.
Dr. Sew