Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Elder Barbara's Groups (6)

  • Sunday School Minister

    55 members Latest Activity: Sep 3, 2021 2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • Heaven is about Heart of Worship

    64 members Latest Activity: Sep 22, 2020

    Prepare your heart, soul and spirit to worship the LORD who redeem us from all sins. Heaven is all about worship....



    88 members Latest Activity: Jul 10, 2016

    Step up and learn to

    A S K

  • Crazy for Jesus

    122 members Latest Activity: Nov 4, 2019 God is looking for crazy people in the likes of Noah who started building an ark in expectation of the rains,Moses who parted the red sea by a…

  • Guardians Prayer Request

    703 members Latest Activity: Jun 23

    Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer Each and everyone of us is going through tough times right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way…


    57 members Latest Activity: Nov 25, 2015 ACTS 2:17 In The Last Days I will Pour Out My Spirit,.. HIGHLY ANOINTED WOMEN with powerful lifechangeing testimonies anointed in deliverance ,…

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So a Seed
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Guardians Ministry

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Guardians Tag Ministry Guardians Prayer Warriors if you would like to go to our Facebook page please click the buttons. If you would like to open up a Guardians Prayer Warriors group on a different site please contact Guardians Ministry so that we may put the name of your site on the page and you can use Guardians Prayer Warrior tags.

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