"May this Weekend bring You moments of Peace and Serenity, Allowing You to Recharge and Rejuvenate for the week ahead. Amen! Blessings, Love Peace and Prayers. Patty Ann"
"Lord, Fill Our Souls With Your Abundant Care. "As A Rose Fills A Room With It's Fragrance, So Will God's Love Fill Our Lives." Blessings, Peace & Prayers."
""Grace to You and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." { Philippians 1:2 } Love, Grace, Hope, Peace & Prayers. Have A Blessed Sunday. Patty Ann"
""May Almighty God Bless You with Strength and Grace to Push through. I hope You have a Blessed day ahead and May our Lord give You Wisdom and Guidance through the week." Jesus Smiles, Peace & Prayers."
"May the Holy Spirit Guide Your Steps this Weekend, Leading You to Places of Blessings and Favor. Sending Love, Hope, Jesus Hugs & Prayers. "TAKE CARE""
"God is faithful. He'll fulfill every promise he's made. There's no disease God cannot heal, no heart he cannot mend, no bondage he cannot break, no enemy he cannot defeat, no mountain he cannot move, and no need he cannot meet. And…"
"“God is good, A hiding place in tough times. He recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help, No matter how desperate the trouble. I pray God will give All of us Strength to Never doubt His Kindness and Love.” Now, Go Tell Others of…"
Im a very sweet and friendly person. Im married to a truck driver. And i have 3 beautiful children all grown up. I have 2 beautiful grandchildren. I love being a grandma. I love my family and friends and love my heavenly father. I am a child of god.I believe in Faith and Hope. Im a very busy person working 5 days a week. Ill be hear on weekends to visit and share beautiful comments.I hope to make new friends. God has many blessings and gifts for all of us on earth.God bless you today. :-)Thank you for having me hear.
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