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Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

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  • Travis Davis
  • Alessandro
  • Guardian

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Red Ribbon From vernon smitley sr.

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About Me:
As the HIV/AIDS pandemic takes the lives of parents across sub-Saharan Africa, millions of children are left behind. These children are suddenly without support, guidance, and love. Our vision is to give these orphans what has been taken from them, which is their hope and future by making them self-supporting through education. We want to educate each child up to a university level, if the child is able. No child should grow up to depend on handouts or overseas support! Raising a child without without higher education is like training him or her in armed robbery or prostitution. Only higher education and job training can bring the third world's children out of poverty. Therefore we want to develop these disadvantaged orphans into citizens profitable to their society! Knowing that God has special place for them in his plan and a real place in society frees them from hopelessness.

We can't achieve this dream alone. Although our children would reach it eventually, they still rely on the grace of others. If you can stand with us financially with a donation or child sponsorship, we can change these children's lives together. A child is like a blind, deaf, or crippled person; he or she depends on others. How do you feel when you make someone happy? What do you think would happen to these orphans if your contribution helped them have a new house?

“No child should be left behind, especially orphans” is our rallying cry, but we need more hands to help us lift up this great banner. Please join with us in this fight. Children are supposed to have parents who take the responsibility of their education and well-being. But these disadvantaged children have no parents. Would you choose to share our responsibility of these children?

If a life doesn't aim to help others, it's not a full life. Living fully is loving fully. No man is an island, and we are indeed our brothers' keepers. Would you choose to love these children more fully?
The role of orphanages

People often ask if orphanages make a difference. So for me, it's simple: what is in the best interest of the Orphans? In Africa (and most countries) every wealthy person’s desire is to send his or her child to a good boarding school, where the child will receive the best education. Children need to be protected from neglect, abuse and the deficiency of their basic needs. All parents know this. Our orphans don't have parents to act on this conviction, so we act in their place. For 65 children in our home, it makes all the difference in the world. Being an orphan myself, I understand this more than most. We pray that God will raise more orphanages to love Africa's forgotten children.

An orphanage must be a place of consistent loving care, providing health services, good nutrition, education, and community life. This is exactly what Orphans Cry pursues for the children under our roof. We have a clinic next door; and a school which we hope will raise us to be one of the best boarding schools in the country. We plan to open the school to the community at-large so that our children will have interaction with the community they will join. We have already turned many street children and teen prostitutes into professional tradesmen and women, many of which are now using their incomes to help others.
The need of orphanages

I was raised as a foster-child, not unlike these orphans. Yet it was after the death of my foster mother that my plight began. I had no one to look up to. Since I wasn't in an orphanage, I had no care or support team to help me with her death. What I received wasn't physical care, but rather a place to identify as a home and family.

I will continue to build orphanages across West Africa so that young men and women will not suffer what I did as a child. But there are worse things yet. Most young African girls with HIV were used by men who believe that raping them will cure them of their sicknesses. These men attack girls without families, simply because these girls have no protection. God's orphanages will change that.

And so physical security is a top concern. We are currently seeking to build a seven foot wall around the entire property, to keep our children safe.
Our goals

Orphans Cry International–Ghana is a non-profit orphanage providing direct support to children affected by HIV/AIDS. We provide disadvantaged orphans of Africa with education and job skills so they can become thriving, productive contributors to society.

At the moment, our activities are limited to the Western and Central Region , however the orphanage is open to all HIV/AIDS victimized orphans and disadvantage children from all Ghana and beyond. We aim to expand our support services across Ghana, and eventually, throughout West Africa.

MY ultimate goals for Orphans are to:

* expand the orphanage to accommodate between 150 to 250 orphans and disadvantage children while offering support to another 100 children who are living with care givers in their own homes and communities
* expand the educational services to instruct children to any level of training they may need in the workplace
* open orphanages in
1. Kumasi (Asanteman Orphanage)
2. Brong Ahafo Wamfie
3. Northern Ghana (Emmanuel and Mary’s Children Home)
4. Togo, Lome
5. Ivory Coast, Abidjan
6. Paraguay, South America
* create a place of loving and consistent care that can be called home
* empower each child to reach their God-given potential
* provide health services and nutrition
* foster relationship with local community, provide dedicated caregivers through volunteerism
* assure safety from neglect, abuse, and basic needs
* secure increase in funding to expand children’s opportunities
* promote global awareness of the plight of children affected by HIV/AIDS
Are you Saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 5:11pm on September 15, 2010, Guardian said…
At 12:09am on April 1, 2009, Joe Anna Deas said…
At 12:33pm on October 29, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 10:52am on October 29, 2008, valina sylvan said…

At 4:32am on October 25, 2008, Brown Eagle said…

For the leaves to takes the "Son" and the rain.

Col 1:29 To this end I labor, struggling with all "His" energy, which so powerfully works in me.

It's been said...."I have done it again, I've messed up, ruined, failed, or destroyed what I worked so hard to do/accomplish/build/change. " Even Paul struggled with this on sin. Rom 7:15-25 Whisper...The answer is within the sentence... that "I" worked so hard to build. What we do or build weather it be relationships, behaviors, spiritually...with our own hands seems to end up many times going in the wrong directions, ending up in huge knots.

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Our motives, abilities and strengths are not enough. How can it work when the motives in our heart sets out Spiritually , yet we step out to work it naturally? "I" got it...."I" can do this on my own. Sooner or later the "I" is going to run out of energy. Natural power is unable to run without a source. Same is true Spiritually. God is our power source! Without light there is no life, only darkness. Jn 8:12 We cannot continue to press on, without Christ and being fed. We must remain plugged in. This isn't once a week but daily, recharged through Christ and His word. Changes will occur. ***The I cannots will transform into He can.*** We need to learn to rest in Christs strengths, power, and grace. 2Cor9a But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." 1Co 2:4,5 15:10 Zec 4:6 Hos 1:7

Whisper...I haven't seen any knot yet that the Lord hasn't been able to undo.
In Christ, Brown Eagle

At 11:46am on October 18, 2008, Deloresa/Manager said…

At 4:31pm on October 17, 2008, Guardian said…
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