I, Wanda J. Tinsley, was the first and only woman employed as a Pictorial Artist by Outdoor Systems, which was first called Naegle Outdoor Advertising, in Louisville, Kentucky. There are really no mysteries to a successful career other than the union of desired talent and application. My parents, teachers and friends inspired my interest in art.
At age 10, I sold my artwork in the forms of cartoon characters to kids at school. This was my beginning.
The desire to be a successful artist is still buried deep in my heart, as life goes by.
I love painting large images just as well as loving to see what a wonderful creation I have brought to surface.
Finally, I enrolled in Jefferson Community College, in Louisville, Kentucky, to develop my abilities as a Commercial Artist. It was not until February 1980 that I decided to apply my talent as a career. Having an awareness of Outdoor Advertising Art, I applied for an artist position with the Naegle Company, and was quickly accepted by Chester Alwes, Vice President of Operations. After passing “the test” which consisted of successfully painting a portrait of a lady with a rose in her mouth..
I stayed with the company for 17 years. It was hard work moving a 1 ton stage,, which was on large wheels and very long in length. It was altogether different from painting on canvas. I thank God that I had a chance to experience the challenge. But before I became a full-pledged Pictorial Artist, at Naegle-Outdoor Systems, I blocked-out sections and painted steel. Another, assignment given, was to paint the image of Ray Charles and the Uh-Huh Girls, for a Diet Pepsi billboard. .
Drawing, painting and designing compositions is still a hot desire in my heart today!
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