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Dear Friends in Christ,

we are very glad to send this informative mail to give details about tribes development society which is a registered under the registration of society’s act of XXI of 1860 of the government of India with number 95/i995.

under this society we are now doing gospel to unreached by the name   new tribes gospel mission


I. The trides thank the Lord Almighty for the its service’s in needy areas since 2001.

II. The trides is a non-profit service Organization.

III. The TRIDES belives in Eccumenicalism in Missions.

IV. The TRIDES doing its ministries in Guntur, Prakasm and Krishna districts in Andhra Pradesh.

V. The TRIDES needs your prayers and support to fulfill its vision.



Let us inform some thing about India...

India is a land of more than a billion people; India is the largest democracy in the world. With over a billion people, India is second only to China in population. It is estimated that by 2015 India will become the largest nation in the world. It is the country called unity in diversity. We can see many cultures, color complexions, dresses and food habits in India so that we can have a feeling of happy. People are keeping up their cultural identity

India is a land of 333 million gods; anyone who is familiar with India knows that India has always been a challenge to the Gospel. Hinduism that teaches, "Just as all rivers lead to the ocean, all religions lead to God", dominates the thinking of the masses. In Hinduism there are more than 333 million gods and goddesses. Many Hindus revere Jesus as another god. Yet their eyes are blinded to the uniqueness of Christ.

India is a land of 1,652 languages; India is virtually ”Babel" when it comes to languages. There are 1,652 languages in use in this land. Of these 222 are considered "major" languages spoken by a minimum of 100,000 people. Millions speak languages such as Bhojpuri, Maithili, Maghi, and Harianwi. Yet the Holy Bible is not yet translated into these languages. Sanskrit is very ancient language even in the world.

India is a land of 4,635 'people groups'; India is made up of thousands of different people groups or ethnic groups. (The Indian word is "jathi"). Jesus commanded us to make disciples from every "people group" or "nation". See Matthew 24:14; 28:19 and 20; Revelation 5:9 and 10; 6:9 and 10. Yet thousands of the ethnic groups in India have no believers among them. Most of the un-reached people groups of the world live in India.

Area Profile: TRIDESis doing its ministry in the most remote and rural villages in Guntur, Prakasam district in Andhra Pradesh state, India. Our TRIDES ministerial area is identified as the very backward area in the sate of AP. If we look into the geo, climatic political, economical conditions we can understand the area situation.

Weather and Climatic Conditions: During the summer this area is very hot and the heat weaves goes up to between 40 to 44 Degrees Celsius. The average rainfall is very low to compare with other areas in the sate of AP, India .It is interested that this area is very cool in winter.

Demographic Particulars: The density of the area is 302 psq. Km. The percentage of the literacy rate is 38.08% the percentage of the urban population is 27.53%. The percentage of the farming land is 51.29%, the percentage of the forestland is 13.75% and the reaming 34.96% land is land is not cultivating. The ONGOLE area is very much famous for the GALAXY GRANITE STONE MINES.

Health and Hygiene Conditions: This area water has high level of fluorine content.The percentages of TB patients are very high in both CHIMAKURTHY and BALLIKURAVA areas. Regarding the health situation among the anti-natal, post-natal and children below 5 are totally neglected and there fore the mortality rate of the child and anti-natal are little bit high compare to the other mandals. The primary health center, which is situated in mandla head quarter, is not serving the area.

Agricultural sector: 70 % of the people living on agricultural income the remaining 30% are small and marginal farmers. The 70 % ag.labourers are not getting wages as per the minimum wage act and therefore their live situation is in very deplorable condition. Regarding the small and marginal farmers, poor irrigation facilities and quite often disturbed by electricity supply on the major problems. Unfortunately there is no Ag. Input services centers where the farmers get high yielding verity of seeds, modern methods of improved Ag. Tools. Timely use of pesticides and fertilizers.

Caste unit: Caste systems is prevailing in all the villages and inter caste marriages are forbidden. the social distance is observed between touchable (castes Hindus) and untouchables  YERUKULAS,YANADIS MALA AND MADIGA. Christian untouchables have no accesses to enter into caste people houses and temples, where as the touchable s are enjoying all the privileges mentioned above.

Political awareness: people are not aware of political affairs not aware of their own rights .So people quite often exploited by rich land lords. Moneylenders and politicians. Village inhabitances have no proper understanding on socio, political, economic and cultural factors.Religions in the area: There are 3 major religions are prevailing in the area namely Hindu, Muslim and Christian. In Hindu religion they’re many sects, In Islam Sunni’s and sheya’s. Where as in Christianity there are many denominations are prevailing in this area but they are not reaching the remote and rural areas. The TRIDES-INDIA has started its ministry in this area where there is need. To fulfill the spiritual needs of the people as well as its social needs we are doing the ministry with the support of like minded people. We need prayers and support-AMEN.

Women In the Area: We have a special focus on the women issues and gender discrimination. Indian society respect women, but it had some hidden notion on women. When we talk about women, our main concern is for rural women who are suffering much due to many societal, gender, economical, educational, sexual harassments, cultural and dowry problems. Female child, who is even in the mother's womb are killing every day and many girl children are been sent for the prostitution by their own biological poor parents. Women are living in very pathetical situation. So in this situation we want to aware them through some educational programs. On other side we focus our mission for the welfare of vulnerable sexual workers. 



1.Christian Publications 
2.Evangelism (Disseminate the Word of God)
3.Indian Christian Spiritual Resource Centre(ICSRC) 
(Biblical & Luther Studies,Seminars, Training Confrences 
for Pastors and Lay Leaders). 
4.Public Meetings 
6.Youth Retreats 
7.Women & Converts Ministry
8.Church Plantation ,Construction of Prayer Halls/
Community Centers in needy areas. 
9.FM Radio Ministry,
10.Support to local Gospel workers


11.Acts of compassion.(Homes for Aged, Widow,Hope Homes for
Orphans and Juvenile Delinquents)
13.Tribal Welfare
14.Medical and Mercy Ministry
15.Relief Activities 
16.Drinking water
17.HIV/AIDS awareness programs 
18.New life Homes for the Prostitutes

Current Mission activities of CSCM

1. Gosple ministry and Public Meetings : We are doing our ministry in our newly constituted congregations very smoothly .Our pastors are laboring for the proclamation of the Gospel in our target villages. They are conducting Sunday Worship Services, Visitations and all the Pastoral duties.Every summer we conducted public meetings in 3 different places or congregations. We are very happy with the attendance, nearly 1500 to 2000 will attended each meeting each day 

2. Converts retreat: We conduct converted women meetings every year.They hails from Hindu religious faith and Islam religious faith.Nearly 85 convert women will attended in the retreat. Mrs. Lalitha Duggi took pain for the success of the program. Among 85 women 7 are converted women from Muslim religious faith.

3. Sunday School Children program: We have divided our children ministry into 3 branches. Number one is Sunday Schools; for the traditional Christian children. Then the Second one is the Children Club's for the other faith children such as Muslim, Yerukula, Yanadi, Chenchu, Lambadi, Pitchiguntla and Dasari Caste children.The third one is for our Orphanage childern, the vulnerable kids. We have identified majority of children are growing in physic but not in sprit. So we want to bring them spiritually unto the feet of Jesus. Pray for the new ventures in our Childern Ministries. We have Sunday school programs in all of our 16 target villages. We conduct the Summer Bible School (SBS) during every summer for all childern . 1500 Children attended from different villages.

5. Flood and Tsunami relief work : We worked for the Tsunami victims in 2004 in the costal belt area.As you have been informed earlier our CHIRALA town was heavily affected by the flash floods Damage was heavy and many people died due to the flash flood. We spent the whole night on the balcony of the church. We personally provided shelter and food to many victims. We don't have electricity for many days. I have informed situation to relief work organizations in India and they responded very generously. 

6. Prevention of girl child deaths Ministry: The TRIDES has conduct an awareness seminar for women on "prevention of girl child deaths" in every month. It is so sad to inform you all in our Macherla area many people irrespective of caste think that the girl childbirth is a curse. They think that the girl child is burden to the parents. The parents have to give dowry to the groom. Girl child education is totally neglecting, Parents are not shown interest for the health conditions of the girl child. During the pregnancy many pregnant women go for scanning and if they identify the female in the womb immediately they prefer for the abortion. We find many girl children became food for the DOG’S; just they are been thrown away in the dustbins. So sad conditions are been identifying, so we have conducted seminar for the women so that they can promote the same to other women. We are also planning to make the women self-reliant. Women in society porting in a bad manner. We are bringing the same to the government of AP, India. At the same time we are planning to disseminate the good news to the women who are in the prostitution.

7. Women Ministry :We have a special focus on the women issues and gender discriminations. Indian society respect women, but there are some hidden problems to the women. When we talk about women, our main concern is for rural women who are suffering due to much societal, gender, economical, educational, sexual harassments, cultural and dowry problems. Female child, who is even in the mother's womb are killing every day and many girl children are been sent for the prostitution by their biological poor parents. Women are living in very pathetical and deplorable conditional situations. So in this situation we want to aware them through some of our awareness and educational programs. On other side our women fellowships are continuing its women ministry.

7. TRIDES  Pastor's seminars: We conduct Bible knowledge classes to our pastor's once in a 3 months, that is every last Friday. Main purpose of the seminar is to impart Biblical knowledge. Pray for this effort and kindly send some certificates to give them after the completion of the course.Our pastors will attend for the classes. All the pastors who attended were been enriched by the spiritual powers. We provided food, accombidation and travel to all the participants. We conduct the Bible Classes in the daytime and in the night time our participant pastors have sent to different villages for preaching. During those 2 days the participant pastors conducted Gospel meetings in different villages. We are very happy that the out come is so fruitful. We are entered into very busy schedule with many church programs. We are conduct Bible knowledge classes and Class on Lutheranism to our pastors.Main purpose of the seminar is to impart Biblical knowledge.

8. Home for Orphans: We running an orphanage with 30 kids. All the kids in the home are well in spritually and physically. We provide shelter, food, books, medical aid, and education.Unfortunatly we dont have proper buildings to our HOME.

9. National Mission Society festival: It is an indigenous mission has been emerged in India during independence struggle. During the rule of British Government, the Indian Christians started a new mission to work for the lepper, blind, dumb and duff, physically handicapped and victims of tuberculosis. Since it ‘s starting the local Christians collect money for the above-mentioned victims with out abroad help. The TRIDES  still practicing the same till and we have to collect according to their ability.We celebrate it in evry December.

10.Flood relief work: As you have been informed earlier our CHIRALA town was heavily affected by the flash floods on June 22nd 2007. Damage was heavy and many people died due to the flash flood. We spent the whole night on  church. We personally provided shelter and food to many victims. We don’t have electricity till Sunday i.e. 24th June 2007. On June 24th 2007 the Sunday night I have informed situation to the Government officers and they responded very generously. They sent 350 relief kits each worth of Rs.750.00 ($20.00). Our government officers,local NGO officers participated and distributed the kits. Pray for the victims. Still we are expecting other 350 relief kits from the UELCI.

11. Gospel Day & Reformation Celebrations : The Trides celebrate the birth anniversary of  in AP on every  APRIL 21st.. Pastor B.SUDARSHAN MOSES who sailed to CHIRALA from CHALLAPALLI  started his ministry for Jesus from Guntur, AP India. Then he moved to RAMANAGARAM area. A small village called NEWCOLONY  is blessed with REV.SUDARSHAN MOSES because he proclaimed the gospel and gave 1st baptism to a man called MANUPATI SAVITRI. Mrs. Samadanamma (woman of peace) 60 years old great granddaughter of M.SAVITRIis living this village in pathetic living conditions. This small village is just 15 kms from our CHIRALA where am working congregation as a pastor. A 20-member team will go to the RAMANAGARAM on every APRIL21st to commamrate and conduct the street preaching and public meeting. Presently RAMANAGARAM,NEWCOLONYvillages is famous for  criminal and fractions and group wars in chirala,stuvartpuram  area...We also celebrate the Reformation Day celebrations in very meaningful way on every 31st of may.We conduct Bible quiz for the both men ,women and for Sunday School Kkids. We also conduct games to the children and women. 

Name and Postal Address:
new Ramanagaram church 

Names of all officers, their telephone numbers, email addresses and web sites.

Office- Bearers:

President: REV.B.MOSES.Master in thelogy
Vice-President: Revsamuel
Secretary: Ms.b.rajini
Treasurer: Ms adilakshmi

Executive Members:

Pastor .k.john 
Pastor. G. Sekhar, 

A listing of the roster of all Congregation names and locations .

16 roster Congregations, they are;

Prakasam District Congregations:

1. parchur



4.rosaiah colony





The roster of all Ordained pastors

1.Rev. sudrshanmoses: 
2.Rev. samuel: 


trides ministriel in-charges:

Women Ministries: Mrs.m.adilakshmi,
Sunday Schools : Ms rizpah
Home for Orphans Warden: Miss. Sarada Devi
Tribal Ministries desk:m.bhaskararao
Medical Ministries: Dr. Mr.paul
Social Concerns : m.l.arunsagar
Communications & Public Meetings: Pastor.Ch. Isaiah Raju
Chief Executive of trides.--m.bhaskararao


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