Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Please understand me, I am on my face asking for a miracle from Yah! Not for a mans life although I know our precious EloHim has the power to do such things. I am asking my Abba Daddy for something greater, to save my bio fathers eternal soul.

He is a great canidate for he is very undeserving. Isn't it wonderful that our salvation is not reliant upon our being deserving of it. He is a very stubborn, angry, embittered, down right mean man. He was not always so I have been told. Regardless, I have loved him a lifetime not even having known who he was, not having met him till I was 32. Even though he wants nothing to do with me.

David has cancer, it has metastisized throughout his whole body and is now in his lungs. I am here he is in Florida, so I am only getting bits and pieces through my brother Carl.

Our Yah can do anything, He can certainly cure a man of cancer if He so chooses, but I am asking for something much bigger. My desire is that He makes a way for David to accept Yeshua as Lord & know the truth before leaving this earth. I would like it to happen in enough time that he can make amends to his immediate family. That I do not ask for myself, but the family he has been so hurtful to, for so long. I have been a lifetime without him, I want more . . . the opportunity to know him in heaven instead. I have prayed this a long time, but now there is even more urgency.

So, I ask for your prayers of agreement. For I know for certain there is power in prayer, I have seen it! There is power in agreement of like minded saints. It says in His word where two or more are gathered in His name He is in the midst. It also says that what we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Any good and righteous thing we ask in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach will be done. If we ask not, we have not. I am asking with all my heart . . . from a daughter to her Daddy the King, for a Father she has never really known.

I thank you in advance for your prayers on behalf of a sister in Yeshua and a man you nothing of accept what I have shared.

Yah bless you!
~HisAngel Traci :-)

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