Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Joy to the World There is a very special nativity scene under Jennifer’s Christmas tree. Her family bought it many years ago. The hand carved Italian statuettes were painstakingly painted in the col…

Joy to the World

There is a very special nativity scene under Jennifer’s Christmas tree. Her family bought it many years ago. The hand carved Italian statuettes were painstakingly painted in the colors of antiquity…purples, reds, gold, and silver. It’s been a part of her family for over 75 years. The more delicate parts have been broken and mended many times over, and yet it remains a precious part of their family’s Christmas celebration.

In many ways, we are like Jennifer’s nativity. We are ‘hand carved’ by God; no two of us are exactly alike. We’re not perfect; we’ve been damaged by the pressures of the world. But because of His deep love for us, God has tenderly mended us every time. We are worth preserving because we are precious in His sight.

As we enter the Christmas season, how can we repay God for His love? We can’t. Christmas is a reminder that God gives to us. He gives us His love and care as He rescues us from our struggles, and fashions our victories. But there is something we can do. We can give to each other. We can pass on God’s love to those who need to be reminded that God cares. That’s how WE can bring joy to the world!

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

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