Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Today's society has been referred to as the microwave generation. I do agree that often times we have that mentality of everything we want should be right now and right away. More time than not we often believe that should be the case. However, As members of The Body we know better. God tells us to "Wait on the Lord, and he shall direct your path". But, we are often in a rush for what we have termed as "our blessing". I know I am not speaking to any of you, so I will continue this for my own personal benefit. I have prayed for things to happen and instead of awaiting my blessings from God, "I" decided to go a different route and or speed things up a bit by "handling-it" myself. I have had to make decisions, prayed on what I should do and when I didn't hear what I wanted to hear and or didn't get my answer fast0enough...made my own decision without God! I determined years ago that any decision that I have to make in a hurry, without hearing from God first...must wait! Often times I find myself missing out on blessings because I didn't listen to the Holy Spirit and wait on a word from God. Think about your past, how many times have you prayed for something and waited on God...and waited on God...and then decided to take care of the decision on your own. Suddenly you realize the decision you made may not have been wrong but it could have turned out much better had you awaited the word from The Lord? I believe that is one of the reason we miss many blessings. God did not accidently say for us to wait on him. He didn't tell us to wait on Him for 24 hours and then make our own decision. We have to understand that when we pray for something, in the Name of Jesus, that's it. If we believe in our heart for what we have prayed for and wait on The Lord, our prayer will be answered if it is the will of God. I have learned that more times than not, God doesn't do things the way we would do them. Look at some of the many things that God has done for you. For me, I would have done things differently and the outcome would not have been as pleasant as it turned out with God at the controls. Always remember, unlike the bumper-sticker, God is our pilot not the co-pilot. I want him in control without any "Help" from me. The co-pilot is name that for a reason, he/she isn't in charge...just there in the event he/she is needed when the pilot request the assistance. Thus far, God doesn't need my help to do his will. And since He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever...I will sit back and enjoy all that he does. Never forget, God has a plan for your life and it is a plan for good.

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Comment by Brown Eagle on February 23, 2008 at 6:54am
I love this! Is that not the truth! God doesn't need a co-pilot....oneself. He doesn't need ones help to do His will! Amen and amen! Whisper...another great verse for this would be Isa. 40:31.

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