Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I have been to numerous Church' asking for help with food and warm clothing bu was turned away?
I don't understnad...
I am always lending out a hand to others especially my neighbors but when my son and I are in need we can't get anything?
I don't understnad...
Please someone tell me why can't I get the food or warm clothing that my son and I need, am I doing something wrong?
I don't understnad...
Please keep my son and I in your Prayers so we may be blessed with our needs and I in return will keep you all my friends in my Daily Prayers. Thank You for reading and if you can Please explain to me wh y I am going through all this so I can understnad.
God Bless You!

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Comment by Prophetess Dr.Teloria Williams on September 29, 2012 at 2:51am

Praise Him! Many in life have never been down. They don't know what it is like, therefore they have not

the compassion necessary to understand. But, once you connect with the right ones I pray that your needs be met. The Word says, what you have done to the least of them, you have also done unto me. God sees and knows all. i pray that He in His infinite wisdom and love send people into your life to do what needs to be done. To reach out and help that come across you. Continue to love any way. Continue to do what God has compassioned you to do for others. I will be prayiing for you and your son that God change the hearts of those you meet, that genuine people of God have the spirit to look with eyes that are opened. Be blessed.

Comment by Mary M. on April 20, 2008 at 11:42pm
Thank You, Cherry it is so thoughful of you to think of me and my
I wish I was there too!
God Bless You and your family!
Comment by cherry on April 20, 2008 at 9:54pm
sis mary, i wish you lived near-my church gives food boxes daily, and they help with bills-this is what GOD requires for us to do! I don't understand either how people say they are christian, and don't help others-pray for those people mary!
Comment by Myra on April 13, 2008 at 12:11am
the question you are asking is why the only answer that come to me is Jude verse 17-23 for the good news Jude verse 24&25 I love you my sister.Sorry so late
Comment by prophetess Rowena Welch on March 15, 2008 at 8:47pm
People are that way anymore and they are selfish

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