Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Greetings My Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ. This is

the Devotional and Meditation delivered to my spirit by

Our Heavenly Father for weekend July 11 thru 13 2008.

With Love and Many Blessings!!

To be offended by the opinions of others is to think we are

always right. None of us are perfect nor always right. To

consider the views of others is to learn and gain wisdom

and strength.

Proverbs 1:5 says "A wise man will hear and increase

learning, and a man of understanding will attain counsel.

Proverbs 20:18 says "Get good advice and you will

succeed; don't go charging into battle without a plan."

I was always taught that everyone isnt going to always

agree with me and vice versa. That advice helped strenthen

me in knowing that there will be times when people

including myself will agree to disagree. Even when God

tells us to love each other, that's what I am here to do. I

know and admit that I don't know everything, even after 47

years and my journey with the Lord.

I don't get mad or upset when someone doesn't see things

my way or the way the Lord may present it to each of us. It

would really be unrealistic of us to expect people to agree

with our views all the time. A variety of ideas is what

makes things fun, fresh and interesting. God put us here to

work together for His Kingdom and that should always be

the focus. We can always learn something from one

another. No matter how old or young, experienced or

inexperienced as we may see someone. The dumbest thing

to do is to argue. The best thing to do is to discuss and

come to a common ground. Compromise, Communication,

Love and Patience are such beautiful words, especially

when put into action. Sure we all may have our different

views and opinions. Thats what makes us all unique.

That's what the Almighty is teaching us when He says "the

body(His Church\Kingdom) has many different

members(parts)however at some point they all must find a

way to work together." He was referring to us working for

and bringing others to His Kingdom. God assigned

Disciples to assist Jesus. Thank You Lord!!!! My spirit is

so full as He guides me to write this. God is so Awesome!!

Proverbs 9:9 says "Give instruction to a wise man and he

will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will

increase his learning." This is why I enjoy talking to

others so much. We never stop learning from one another.

Proverbs 14:29 says "A patient man has great

understanding, but a quick tempered man displays folly."

As Servants of the Most High God, we must constantly

remember that sometimes we will be misunderstood by

some. Jesus was misunderstood by some as well. However

He reminded them why He was sent and what His

Purpose\Focus\Mission was,,,,,,,,He said, "I am about My

Father's Business!!" Amen!!

Those who took the opportunity to really get to know Jesus

were abundantly blessed with An Amazing Experience of

Pure Love, Humility, Joy and Life!! What a Wonderful

Feeling/Gift!! That's why I am all for taking time to get to

know someone. I just love people and especially those who

love the Lord and are about His Business. I have been

blessed with crossing the paths of many jewels{Angels}

who many times would have been passed over or

overlooked. Praise Him!!

Psalms 117 says..."O Praise the Lord, all ye nations;
Praise Him, all ye people. For His merciful kindness is

great towards us: and the truth of the Lord endureth

forever. Praise ye the Lord!!

So my dear brothers and sisters let's unity In Jesus Mighty,

Merciful Name and press on Joyfully About Our Father's

Business, Spreading His Message of Love!!Amen

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