Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Passing the Anointing

I'm telling you that the anointing is going to spread to where all
God's children are hungering after him!! Again I say be ready!!
UMMMMM I'm shaking right now! Praise the Lord!! Thank You Jesus!! Lord we
magnify you! O Lord my God I will praise you with all of my heart!! Pour our
your anointing on my brother & sister that are so hungry for your Glory!
Your gifts! UMMMM taste and see that the Lord is good! Let everything that has
breath praise the Lord!! I can feel it in the air!! The tangiable presence of
the Lord! There's a great awakening coming! Be ready to recieve the
anointing and the glory as it passes by you! Run & Jump in the river of God
as it flows! You will never be the same! God is calling you to be a true
worshipers!! Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness SHALL be filled!
UMMM HUMM LORD!! We're hungry!! We are parched we are soooo thristy!! Fill
us Holy Spirit!! Yes Lord, Yes Lord, yes yes Lord!
As the deer panted after the water so my soul thirsteth after you! You alone
are my hearts desire and I long to worship you!!!
You alone are my strength my shield to you alone makes my spirit yeild you
alone are my hearts desire and I long to worship you!

I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship you, oh my soul rejoice, take
joy my King in what you hear let it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear!
You're the giver of life,You're the river of love, You'r the light
of the world, You're Jesus Christ. You're the Alpha, the Omeiga, the
beginning and the end and Your Glory excells the heavens and Your power's
beyond degree and yet you still loved me. Like a mountian stream in the spring
I have had the Tv on God Channel listing to the Lakeland revival!! I'm telling you that it is going to spread to where all God's children are hungering after him!! Again I say be ready!!UMMMMM I'm shaking right now! Praise the Lord!! Thank You Jesus!! Lord we magnify you! O Lord my God I will praise you with all of my heart!! Pour our your anointing on my brother & sister that are so hungry for your Glory! Your gifts! UMMMM taste and see that the Lord is good! AMEN~AMEN!Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!!I can feel it in the air!! The tangiable presence of the Lord! There's a great awakening coming! Be ready to recieve the anointing and the glory as it passes by you! Run & Jump in the river of God as it flows! You will never be the same! God is calling you to be a true worshipers!! Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness SHALL be filled! UMMM HUMM LORD!! We're hungry!! We are parched we are soooo thristy!! Fill us Holy Spirit!! Yes Lord, Yes Lord, yes yes Lord!As the deer panted after the water so my soul thirsteth after you! You alone are my hearts desire and I long to worship you!!!You alone are my strength my shield to you alone makes my spirit yeild you alone are my hearts desire and I long to worship you!
I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship you, oh my soul rejoice, take joy my King in what you hear let it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear!
You're the giver of life,You're the river of love, You'r the light of the world, You're Jesus Christ. You're the Alpha, the Omeiga, the beginning and the end and Your Glory excells the heavens and Your power's beyond degree and yet you still loved me. Like a mountian stream in the spring time! YOU OVER-FLOW MY

Isaiah 44: 3For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:" We are so hungry for more of God and the more we totally surrender to Him, He is filling us like never before. . We are jumping our of the boat and into the deeper things of God. May our hands be His, our eyes, His, our speak His......May we be so Christ-like that the world only sees the love that Jesus has for them when they look into our eyes. Taste and see that the Lord is good. So good, so fullfilling to our parched souls. More of Jesus working in and through us to the world around us, is all we desire.

God Bless
Pastor Judy
Visit Fire of God at:

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