Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

A message to all members of Fire of God

Greetings to my precious brothers & ; Sisters!
As most of you know, my son "Bubba" is in Jail. He has been there since August. It is a 3&1/2 hour drive to get to where He is. He's my only son. I've made the trip every Tue. to get to see my son for 20 min. visit thru a window. It's hard as a mom not to be able to hug my "big ole boy".
Many times after I left the jail I would just weep and pray to the Lord to give us both strength. And He always does.
Once I thought that they were gong to reduce his bond and he would be able to come home and I was so excited but they didn't. It was the first Thanksgiving, First Christmas we had been apart. It is also hard on his children. And of course his sister and my parents. My parents are 85 & 80 years and have been marrried for 65 years.
Today Alice my friend that was going to ride up with me came down with the stomach flu. She couldn't go.
I called my parents and asked if they wanted to take the trip with me. And they did. I had several to pray that they wouldn't be too burdend when they saw him behind the window.
Well the joy on my son's face when he saw his grandparents there was overwhelming. They were all there putting their hands on the window and kissing the window and sharing in a few moments of joyful bliss as they just kept telling each other how much they love each other.
I was watching the love flow thru that window and back and it was unconditional love! It did't matter what my son had done to be in there. They loved him and he wasn't ashamed anymore because he had asked God to forgive him and now he knew his grandparents had too.
It was a time of catching up on what was going on in their lives over the past few months and letting him know how much they were missing him and couldn't wait for him to get to come home. The 20 min. came to a close way to fast. Again the hands on the window and the kissing thru the glass and the expressions of love from their hearts to his and back. Knowing how much they just wanted to grab each other in a huge consuming hug. The room was electrified and transformed from a jail visiting room to that of abounding love and before we turned to leave my dad put his hand on the window where my son's hand was and prayed a beautiful prayer over him and at that point I saw my son blink back the tears. We had to say our quick good byes and turn to leave. and as I watched my parents as they waved good bye to my son and saw the love & devotion from their eyes pass back and forth I knew that somehow this was only a shadow of the love our heavenly Father has for us.
When we mess up he looks down from the windows of heaven thru eyes of love and devotion and wants to hug us and to embrace us in his arms and love us like a Father. But he can't get to us until we repent, and come back home. But he's still there! He's always there when we need him.
He has plans for us and if we mess up plan A then he has plan B and on down the line.
Jer. 29:11 I know the plans I have for you saith the Lord. Plans to bless you and not curse you and plans for a good future!

Oh how I love Jesus, Oh how I Love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus!
Because he first loved me!

The first time my parents saw my son was thru the window of the nursery when he was born. The nurse pushed him over to the window, he looked up and them smiled and shook his baby fist. Today my mom told him that story and my dad said "do it again Bub" and he did! And they all laughed!

As we left and begin our long trip back home I had a renewed awe of the unconditional love my parents have. No wonder I was sooo ready to accept a God who has the same kind of love only on a greater sacle that includes the whole world!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
And with that I will close!
Love & prayers in Christ!
Pastor Judy

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