Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Kathys Comments
The Power of Stillness Before God

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says…
“In quietness and trust is your strength”
Isaiah 30:15

In this fast paced, noisy world, quiet time is a precious commodity. If cell phones aren’t ringing, the dog is barking or the kids are arguing. If the television isn’t on a CD player is blaring nearby. If people aren’t talking, your computer is telling you that “You’ve got mail!” That’s why the early morning hours are ideal for quiet time with God before the world fully awakens.

To ready your heart and mind for a meaningful time of prayer, adopt the three habits recommended by David Jeremiah. First anticipate His presence. God is coming to see you, His sole desire to spend precious moment with you. Second, acknowledge that God is now present, sitting in the chair besides you, ready to listen to your petitions and give you advice and direction. Finally, acclimate your mind, body and heart to receive and accept His Word and direction.
When your heart, mind, and body have been readied, call upon the Holy Spirit to help you pray.

Rachel Hickerson, author of Supernatural Communication, says the Holy Spirit is “like an “adapter” that helps us align correctly to our heavenly power source [Prayer] is not about you; it is about your prayer being connected to the transformer of the Holy Spirit. Now your prayer can be powerful. Whatever else you use to help you get into the place of prayer are wonderful, but it is actually this connection that is going to transform your prayer life.

So as the Glade commercial says about the air freshener, “plug it in plug it in” Find your peace and then plug in to the Holy Spirit. Once you’ve told Him everything that’s on your mind, make sure you spend some time listening. Open your ears and your heart to what God has to say. Neil Anderson writes, “Prayer is personal and two-way. You have entered into a new dimension of spirituality when you are comfortable in His presence and don’t feel obligated to talk. Thos who learn to “practice His presence” have learned to “pray without ceasing” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17) When I leave my quiet times, I leave with God and prayer doesn’t stop”

God is ever ready to help us seek peace and quiet in this hectic world. So enter that quiet place, remembering that when you pray, He will listen (see Jeremiah 29:12). Once you’ve said “Amen” remain silent and listen, for God is also ready to speak and to guide you through this life. “ I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go
” {Psalm 32:8 NIV)

Amid His presence you will receive His courage and strength to meet the day. What a wonderful God we have!!

I arise today, through God’s strength to pilot me

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