Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I remember going to a church as a small child, down the street from my home. This went on for a while. My dad was an alcoholic and was never home. One day when I was five yrs. old I was sitting outside on a cement step in the ground singing”, How Far Is Heaven”, you see my dad was gone again and being a child I thought he was dead .The verse to the song is, how far is heaven, I want to go to see my daddy I love him so. This is going to make me cry ,can't think about it without tearing up, but anyway I was singing and looking at the clouds . Then I heard a soft male voice call me ... by my name .I turned no one was there. So I went in and asked mother if she called, she said no. I went back out sat back down and started singing again, and this man called me again by name, this happened seven times, the whole process .I kept it in my heart for my older sister would surely make fun of me if she knew. Nobody knew just God, and me but I didn't know why or who was calling what for or me. At the age of 13, I said the (sinner’s prayer), but I didn’t grasp what I was doing and no one explained what this really meant to me. So I went on living, my way, rebellious toward anything that would hold me back from doing what I wanted to do. I got into the wrong crowd of people and did everything they did. Heading down the same road my dad did and worse. I got married, dad came home sick from a stroke finally got saved, and died about ten yrs., later. I thank Jesus everyday for that. The man I married was not a Christian, but neither was I. Eight yrs. later my second child was born, Mandy. Her name is Miranda Fay, she was beautiful, still is. Teresa, my sister was going to a church, she came to my house to see the baby, & me but she had also another reason too. She came to lead me to the Lord, She said, Sheila you want Mandy to know the Lord so you must come back to Him, so I did right then, but I didn't feel anything I just believed. Then I started going to church and taking notes. I started reading the Bible from the beginning, the preacher's wife asked me to sing in the choir, I reluctantly agreed, I was scared. Well Jesus started working in my heart, I saw He was real and really loved me, I eat the Word of God, couldn’t get enough, still can’t. Guess what,
I found out who that man was that called my name that day and why. His name is Jesus, read the rest to find out why.

As I was studying the Word the Lord started revealing truth to me, opening my eyes to see what I formerly couldn’t .I asked the Lord to give me the faith of Abraham and I believe He did. I was
Going to church and taking notes on sermons, soon was asked by sisters to help teach classes. I accepted the assignment asking for guidance from Christ. Forward seven years, As I was studying the Bible one day I come across Acts chapter two, I started reading and realized the preacher was mistaken for I looked up the references to the scriptures I was reading. Jude says, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Now there is only one way I know of to do that, praying in tongues. So, I asked Jesus to show me the truth about this, I was in a church that didn’t believe in this, but in my opinion, the Word of God takes precedence over the word of man. So I continued to pray about it. In the mean time, I was living under a spirit of depression, I had been under since I was young and didn’t know it. My husband at the time didn’t like me serving the Lord; he implied some very bad things about me. I told him Jesus was my Lord and He comes first, then him, then the baby. According to the Word, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Needless to say, he wasn’t happy with me. I told him Jesus is my Lord and I would serve Him no matter what. He eventually accepted that I meant what I said. In the mean time he found other outlets to please himself with women and gamboling, I didn’t know this was going on, so I still trusted him.
This is about the time I met one of my best friends, spiritual mom and prayer partner. She was a person on the , she was reading scriptures and singing on the c.b . That ‘s how we met, she talked me into singing too, and we became very close. One day I called her, telling her what was going on . She said,” honey, I want you to read a Ps. And a Prov. everyday, and sing to the Lord. Well I did the reading , but had to work at the singing .I knew there was something different about her I could feel a presence in her I couldn’t feel around others I knew. A peace and quietness and love I’d never felt before, nonjudgmental ….love . It was amazing , I could tell her anything , it would go no farther than to Jesus .I ask her about this Holy Ghost stuff , she wouldn’t tell me anything, so she prayed for me and I prayed about it for two yrs. In the meantime I asked the Lord to show me the truth about this and to give me everything He wanted me to have and if he wanted me to give His Word out He’d have to send people to me as I had no car . Don’t ever tell Jesus that if you don’t think you can handle it, it was on then! People started coming to my house asking me questions about the Word or how to solve a problem in their lives. I wouldn’t answer them, I looked up the scripture about it and let them read it then we discussed it. People started getting saved , I was amazed at what God was doing ! One night I went to a church and was slayed in the Spirit when I was able to get up my depression was gone and has never returned.
Well skipping to about three yrs later, we were living in Rock Hill S.C in a camper for the year.
It was summer and Mandy was always playing outside ,and every time someone knew would come into the park, she would ask them if they knew Jesus and say well if you don’t my mama can help you meet Him ! Well I didn’t know she was doing this, but one day a black American man came up to me and gave me a large gold cross and asked me to give it to her. He told me how they met and what she was doing. This took me off guard! So I got to minister to a lot of people there and almost got kicked out of the campground because she wouldn’t stop telling people this. Then one afternoon this man was driving through on his way to his camper and I felt the urge to ask him to pray about this Holy Ghost thing, because I felt this same presence in him I had felt in Nancy. So I stopped him, and said , “Would you mind praying about something.” He said ,”sure.” I told him I’d been praying about the Holy Ghost and wanted to know to know if it was truth and real or if it wasn’t . Said I ‘d been praying about this for two yrs. and needed to know the truth. Well he prayed under his breathe , which I didn’t like, but didn’t say so. Then he looked up at me ,looked me right in the eyes and said,” Don’t worry about it, I see it in the throne room of God! “ I thought Lord , he’s lost it Lord. Well I thanked him turned and said ,Lord if it’s real ,it’s real and if it isn’t it isn’t and forgot about it. That night I had to wash clothes at the washhouse , Mandy was in bed and her dad was watching TV, so I walked to the washhouse. As I did this chore , I was worshipping the Lord in song as I was folding clothes in the wash room at eleven o’clock at night I started singing in an unknown tongue, I now understand what that man was talking about, The Throne Room of God! I later found out this man was a missionary from Africa and was I ever grateful to meet him. I ran and woke up my husband that night and told him all about what had happened.
Since that happened the Lord has grown me very Much, I’ ve seen a lot of people come to know Jesus. I’ve seen in a couple of visions , myself walking over the top of wheat fields and not be walking on the wheat but over it. I‘ve had dreams only the Lord could give, I’ve heard His voice more than a couple of times. He keeps allowing things to happen to keep me from staying in one location and everywhere I end up someone will get saved or I end up ministering to them in one way or another. This is not my doing, I rather be settled, but apparently that is not His will, so I will go doing as He prompts me.
Why you ask, because Jesus loved me before I knew him and He proved it to me. This started when He called me as a child by my name, 7 times, His prefect number, to be His. He called me to sing for His glory and to tell people who He is and how much He loves them and that’s what I am here for.
I love you, Lord Jesus, you are the breath I breathe, you are my life, my salvation, my redeemer, Lord and friend and my soon coming King.

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Comment by PROPHETESS BARBARA MATTHEWS on April 15, 2008 at 12:39am
Bless God my sister my friend I bless you and yours, and much love to you,.you are blessed from the begining, and blessed to be a blessing

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