Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

a mothers plea
by Cheryl Ann Inglett on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 1:17am ·

A Mother's Plea

This is a Mother's Plea,

Everything will be all right just have faith and Agree,

I know it seems hard now but please know you will always have love from Me,

So much is left to be said and there are many places we still have to See,

Never lose faith and remember faith parted the Red Sea,
If you dream it and have faith, then everything you want can Be...

Please be good and dont think about the past that was Bad,

Just remember the laughter and smiles and never remember the Sad,

They can never take your soul, so remember the life you Had,
Visits and letters make a lonely person Glad...

I'm glad I got to write you this Letter,

Just like when you were a child, believe me when I say it will get Better,
I know sometimes you think your pillow can't get much Wetter...

Wetter means you think too much about the Past and Cry,

I know sometimes it seems hopeless and you may wish you'd Die,

Whenever you think like that, remember my smile and looking into my Eye,

I know life is hard and you find yourself a lot asking Why,
Never let them make you feel hopeless and let out that Sigh...

Stop sighing and know that Tanka is with you in that Jail,

No matter what happens you will make it out of that Hell,

Remember that my love never departs you even in that Cell,

The past is just a lesson and you didn't Fail,
Life is just a ghost dance we do while hanging onto the Rail...

Rails make up the containment areas around the Bars,

One day someone might come for you with many Cars,
We aren't that far away from the judgment of the ones who leaves Scars...

Scars inside my mind always leave those impressions on my Heart,

Find something to occupy your time like reading or learning an Art,

Know that no matter the time nor distance, a mothers love can never Depart,

Watch the ones around you and play the game that's Smart,

Don't follow the wrong path anymore and follow your chosen Part,
Maybe a little vacation is what is needed to make a new Start...

Start thinking about the time that were happy and Good,

Think about what words you would say if you Could,

Think about the things that should become written in Wood,
Remember the times before and where we last Stood...

Sometimes a mothers love could mean the world to a Man,

Nothing is impossible if only you believe you Can,

When it seems the darkest just remember holding my Hand,

No matter what that devil judge says remember one day you get to take the Stand,

Not many crimes are worth sending a child to prison and soon evil will be Canned,
Remember that no matter what happens, there is another position to be Manned...

Man the position and know that soon you will be Free,

Nothing that has happened can take the love you have within Me,

Life is hard if you dont have the rich man's Fee,

Never sell out to the devil and take that black road as a Plea,

Just smile and whatever happens Agree,

Letters and visits will always Be,

Just never give up on life and never give up on Me,
Even a blind man eventually gets the power to See...

Let's see, what should I have Said?

I remember watching you sleeping as a baby in Bed,

So many nights I stayed up praying you weren't Dead,

So many times I was proud of you and the love within your Head,

Barry there are many things I wish I could have Said,
But in the end, we will see each other soon when the demons in prison Fled...

The demons fled into the law called Grand Theft,

Rich men steal from the poor but the poor are sent to the cell on the Left,
Not all power is given to the judge, only god can judge your Breath...

When you get where you are going talk to those guys about Freedom,

Tell them someone cares and wants to help Feed'Em,

Don't let the demons come out and try to Beat'Em,
Just remember every good one there has throne waiting to Seat'Em...

Seat them beside their friend and talk about the time on the Yard,

Let them know GOD is there when life gets very Hard,

You aren't the only one losing and the only heart being Scared,
Even though you are locked up, my life is now Barred...

Bars are opened when you write me a letter and say I love You,

Just remember my child, no one is Above You,
I want you to know I miss you very much and Love You...

I love you and wanted to let you know that everything can be the Same,

Never let that good spirit go or let the try to make you Tame,

They can do nothing to you that isn't apart of God's Game,

So remember that love and light should now be your Aim,

Don't think about the past and don't see yourself as the Blame,

Even good guys have bad thoughts and actions that Came,
Maybe being good is not that bad and can put you to Shame...

A lot of times we feel ashamed of our past and some Actions,

But eventually time and space become only Fractions,

Days go by really fast and the past is another Subtraction,

Pay a little light and love forward and watch the Reaction,
Don't let all the evil people hurt your mind and become a Distraction...

Views: 31


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