A New Resolution
Pete Wilson
I know some people are "anti" New Years resolutions. However, I think this is an exciting time of year to set goals and establish new perspectives. One of my New Year's resolutions is to establish a broader perspective throughout my life in this new year.
It's inspired by the following passage in Psalm 39.
4 "Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered--
how fleeting my life is.
5 You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
at best, each of us is but a breath."
Show me, God, my life's end. Show me the number of my days.
Show me how fleeting my life is.
I want to live in 2009 with the awareness of LIFE GOES BY FAST and MY DAYS ARE NUMBERED.
Like everyone else I can get caught up in trying to rush through life acquiring things, trying to attain security, and achieving meaningless goals our culture has deemed worthy. But so many of the things I focus on and worry about are simply futile.
I waste time regretting things from the past I can't change. I settle for mediocrity trying to avoid difficult decisions and conversations. I get consumed with trying to be loved instead of loving others. I squander precious moments trying to control things I can't control.
I don't want that to be my life. I don't want that to be my vision...because that vision cannot sustain God's design for something as splendid as a human life. That is a vision born out of thinking I have an endless amount of time on this earth to make the impact God has designed me to make and this, my friends, is nothing more than an illusion.
So in 2009 I'm making a resolution, a commitment, a promise to view my life (my marriage, my job, my friendships, my purpose) through the understanding that LIFE GOES BY FAST and MY DAYS ARE NUMBERED.
I pray it will help me love deeper, pray harder, focus intently, and seek to make the greatest impact with my one and only life that I possibly can.
So what's your New Year's resolution for 2009?
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