Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

A Parable for ..ALL.. mankind-but who will SEE

A Parable for ..ALL.. mankind-but who will SEE

Christ spoke ONLY in parables
when talking with the masses,

Matt 13:34
"ALL these things spake Jesus unto the multitude
in PARABLES; and without a parable spake He NOT unto them"


A parable is a story
that contains in figurative or symbolic language
a higher moral or spiritual truth

GLORIOUS teachings of ETERNAL things

they are of little consequence;

they are of enormous consequence

But without knowing what the symbols represent in a parable,
no one could ever understand the higher meaning

Therefore the multitudes of people
did not understand the teaching of Jesus Christ,

because He did not explain the meaning of the symbols
to the masses, only to His disciples in private

Some parables require only a little spiritual understanding


The Parable of a Beam in One’s Eye

There are few believers
who would not understand the meaning of this parable,
although they might not practice its teaching

Others such as The Parable of the Prodigal Son
requires much more spiritual understanding,
as there are many more spiritual truths within this story

Many Christians can only understand parables
that require very little spiritual understanding

When reading the "deeper" parables,
they can not comprehend The higher meaning
which is totally missed, and/or not believed

A simple example:

"Another parable spoke He unto them;
The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven,
which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal,
till the whole was leavened"

Jesus didn’t explain this parable,

So what does it mean?

Most, ...certainly understand,

that leaven (like yeast) put into dough
will cause the dough to rise through fermentation

But what is the spiritual application of this parable?

Paul tells us that,

"Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump"

But who believes this parable?

According to Jesus, the kingdom of God
is like this parable of the leaven and the lump

The kingdom of God moves and works
throughout the entirety of the universe
until the WHOLE of God’s creation is brought
under its influence

But who believes it?

The time comes
when Jesus Christ will turn over the kingdom of God to His Father:

1Cor 15:24,28b
"Then comes the end,
when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father;
when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power

Then the whole lump will be leavened with God!!


This parable is not literal

The kingdom of God is not literally "leaven in a lump of dough!!

These teachings are SPIRITUAL!!!


Every parable teaches a spiritual truth

If you do not understand
the parable of the leaven and the dough-

you don’t understand the gospel!!

Because the leaven in the dough
is like the kingdom of God
and Jesus came preaching

You see...

if the leaven
does NOT leaven the WHOLE lump,
then it is NOT "like the kingdom of God"

Anything that does not involve the whole (everyone)
cannot be "like" the kingdom of God

For anything to be
"like" the kingdom of God...

it must involve the whole, the all, everyone, all mankind

Therefore Jesus said...
The kingdom of God is "like" leaven
that leavens the WHOLE LUMP!!!

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