Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


The battle is between the carnal man who interprets the Bible in human natural knowledge/wisdom AND son of God who is enabled by the Holy Spirit when indwelt by the Spirit to interpret, teach and explain the Bible in the knowledge and wisdom of God. 2 Corinth 3:5-6, 2 Corinth 10:3-18, Heb 10: 1-9

The entire OLD handwritten Bible COVENANT, the handwritten Bible handwritten in letter; if is interpreted and explained by a carnal man (man of understanding the Bible in FLESH) is the broad way that keeps carnal people in carnal bondage to this day 2008 onwards, of understanding the scriptures carnally. But the heart's desire is all the time to be set free from the carnally explained Bible so that he can fellowship with God through the New Covenant Bible that enable a man to READ, INTERPRET AND TEACH the BIBLE BY THE ENABLING OF GOD'S SPIRIT IN HIS SOUL.
When God intervens at an appointed time (promised time) to set the carnal captives free fromthe carnal Egyptian bondage and graves, HE interprets the very handwritten Bible word in His wisdom and knowledge starting with one man, the bible, previously interpreted carnally to otherthrows the carnal prince of air, his principalities dominions and rulers. The carnal masters who are instead of God use the given Bible carnal ordinances of darkness to impose themselves in power and lead God's guinine people by carnally explaining and interpreting Bible into the carnal Law of BONDAGE AND DEATH. Isaiah 45:7-8, 1 John 2: 7-8. Coloss 2

The New Covenant Bible Read, Interpreted for us by the Holy Spirit in the knowledge and wisdom of God commands a battle against those who read, interpret and teach the Old Covenant Bible from cover to cover in carnal knowledge and wisdom (FLESH) to set free those who are bound and are in bondage of the carnal doctrines and sects that were created, have been created and are being created because of misinterpreting the Bible.

The carnal kingdoms founded on the foundation of carnally interpreting Old Covenant Bible ordinances of darkness are veils that veil the Kingdom of God that is founded on the New Covenant Bible ordinances of light that is Read, interpreted, explained by the enabling of the Holy Spirit. Without the enabling of the Holy Spirit to read, interpret, teach the New Covenant Bible, the whole world is still under the Old Covenant Bible that is explained interpreted carnally to this day! 1 John 2: 7-8, 2 Corith 3: 5-6, 13-15. They are still READing MOSES, the OLD COVENANT BIBLE and not CHRIST, the New Covenant Bible to this day of 2009.

Are you carnal? you are at battle with the Spirit of God! You are still READING MOSES, the OLD BIBLE that is carnally interpreted and taught to this day 2009.

Are you born again of the Holy Spirit and are spiritual? You can only be sure of this if you have been indwelt by Holy Spirit and now you are enabled by God to read and interpret and teach the promised New Covenant Bible, the CHRIST in His knowledge and wisdom. If you are born of the Spirit of God, you are commanded to do battle against the carnal powers of darkness that are occupying the OLD COVENANT Bible Scriptures and are using enalarge thier teritories in abid to enslave and kills souls unawares
The weapons for the Spiritual Son of God are these:
You must be able to read interpret and teach the NEW COVENANT Bible by the enabling of the Holy Spirit

You must be obedient to the Holy Spirit to use you in battle to overthrow the wicked carnal man that occupy our Spiritual land of inheritance.... Bible Word . Your weapon is to read, interpret and teach every verse of the New Covenant Bible by the enabling of the Holy Spirit to save souls of the perishing carnal people of all nations.

You must be courageous and bold to speak the the truth in whatever circumstances and conditions.

You must overcome trails and temptations one by one as you face them. These are good to keep you alert and pure in the battle field. The Lord is always on your side to help you overcome them.

You must be careful to listen ONLY to God's still voice in your understanding that operates OLNY through Bible Scriptures and opens your understanding through the scriptures to undrestand heavenly hidden secrets beginning with worshipping of ONE TRUE GOD mystery.

You must operate and serve God and His people in Divine Love.

There are other things God will reveal to you if you are humble before the Lord.

Blessings and peace to you all; who are the the new generation that are crossing, have and will be crossing into the promised New Covenant Bible by the power of the Lord.
Be careful and watch and know that your soul is saved by the the indwelling God through the New Covenant Bible.
Please also know that if your soul is not saved by God, God cannot use you to save another. You simply do not have that knowledge and wisdom of God in you that saves souls


The battle field is all nations,
The Battle is between the carnal person (the serpent) that explains the Bible in human knowledge and wisdom contrary to the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit explains the truth through the New Covenant Bible that reveals invisible things of heaven by removing the visible veiling things of the earth that are presented by the Old Covenant Bible to this day 2009. 2 Corinth chapters 4 & 5.
Soldiers: Both soldiers use the Bible. The Holy Spirit born sons are the soldiers for the Kingdom of God against the carnal sons who are born by carnally taught Bible scriptures. Carnal preachers of the Bible are the soldiers of the kingdom of satan or the serpent
Weapons: THE BIBLE : THE OLD HANDWRITTEN COVENANT BIBLE MINISTERED CARNALLY AND THE NEW COVENANT BIBLE TAUGHT BY THE HELP/ ENABLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Holy Spirit knowledge and wisdom are weapons of teaching the New Covenant Bible against the carnal weapons of man of teaching the Bible using human wisdom and knowledge.
Winner of Battle: God and His Sons by the witnessing of the New Covenant Bible by the enabling of the Holy Spirit..
Losers: the carnal satan and his carnal sons that are the witnesses of the old Covenant Bible. Their king is the veiling visible king of the Jews of the carnally witnessed old covenant Bible. 2 Corinth 4
End of the battle: Final judgment is to destroy the carnal satan and his carnal principalities, dominions, rulers and their follower by the Holy Spirit revealed New CHRIST, we are now reading who is come in a volume of a book Heb 10:1-9, 2 Corinth 3: 13-15.

Pastor Patrick Bwayo.

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