Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

being used by the holy spirit

i wanna testify that on 01-17-09 i was used by the holy spirit and then i witnessed the most holy ghost filled sermon i have ever witnessed.....on that saturday morning i was getting ready to attend a funeral my daughters great grandmother had passed and my daughter and my ex had been asking me to attend my ex even told me she needed a friend so i told her i would be there for her so when i got over there to my ex s mothers house to get ready to support my family and pay my last respects my ex already has a friend escorting her i realized this was an attack of the enemy so i rebuked the spirit of anger and jeolousy i said to myself i will pay my last respects and be there for the kids as we was about to leave my ex s friend drove his car in the ditch and without hesitation i went in the ditch and lifted the car out with my bare hands and then i got back in my car and got in line it did nt occur to me until a couple of minutes later that i had just lifted up a car out of a ditch and wasn t even dirty i was so honored that god decided to use me how else could i have done this but he wasn t finished because i witnessed the most beautiful funeral and the most holy ghost filled sermon i have ever witnessed this was a day i will never forget

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Comment by Crystal F on February 5, 2009 at 7:41pm
Praise God brother Eric, I bet the devil felt really foolish when you passed that test. Keep your head up and stay on your knees because it is those test and those trials that build charatcter I am proud of your defeat it is his blood that covers us and you had a victory that day in the Name Of Jesus... Amen
Comment by cherry on January 30, 2009 at 4:05pm
Amen Bro. Eric, you know it was the Lord for you to be able to lift that car, and you didnt get dirty!! God used you in a mighty way that day-and you passed the test and rebuked those spirits in Jesus' name!!! Now i pray that your ex seen how the Holy Ghost took charge that day , and seen your light so shining that men might see your good works-God bless you

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