Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Blessings again to all and thank you so much for always praying for one another...Truly I'm in God's care and his Favour. Please don't stop all things it is the will of Our Lord and Saviour that we pray with out ceasing....Thank God for his mercy and kindness everlasting.... Stay Blessed my family.... you shall reap great rewards in Jesus Name, A testimony of unseen danger....Please read....Love and Blessings always!!!
This the Letter I wrote the newspaper Editor:
I'm writing in regards to an issue with a gas leak in my home and the community, Our gas was turned off due to behind payment and was set to be turned back on due to medical issues in the home on the same day. I care for both my parents in the home my father whom is 93 and my mother whom is 81 and gas is used for heating the home. But due to a leakage the gas could not be turned back on. later the next day we smelled gas in our home while the gas company was repairing a leak in our home. We had to call emergency service and have my parents transport to the hospital and stayed overnight for treatment. There was carbon monoxide detected in their system. My children and I were not affected. The leak was right at my parents widow and beneath their rooms. I'm concerned with how this happen ...their is no detection of carbon monoxide in our home since the gas was turned off and the leak has been fixed, the fire department has assured us the home is safe....Praise God!! . How can I address this matter for my parents safety? How do I know our gas bill has not been overcharged?
Please let me know how to address the issue and whom do I speak with.

Sincerely Ms. Felecia Spaulding
Ms. Felecia

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