Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

"Deadbeat Dad" is a phrase we hear often these days. It describes a man who has biologically fathered a child, but does not support the child or takes part in the child's life. Rearing and supporting his child is left to someone. A “deadbeat spiritual dad” is a pastor or leader in the church who does not support or mentor their members in the ways of Christian growth. Members and ministers are left to train and encourage themselves.

A lot of leaders leave it up to members to develop themselves spiritually. It would be child abuse if we neglect our children or make them provide for our needs while they are young and still maturing. Yet, in some churches we are told to support and encourage our leaders while we are left without guidance or encouragement. We need real spiritual parents in church today who are committed to nurture the people whom they have been assigned.

There is a cry from the pews of our churches. Men and women, both young and old are crying out for fathers! Not necessarily natural fathers, in many cases there wasn’t one, and in other cases (if there was) he was not in God. The cry is for spiritual Fathers. Many of the attitudes Christians will develop toward God will be connected to the ones they have toward their spiritual leaders. The potential impact of a good and godly leader is immeasurable. Some spiritual fathers are not "deadbeat dads“, but they are not especially a good role model.

Believers want someone to mentor them in the ways of righteousness. Someone to love them when they are caught dead wrong, extend grace and restoration unto them when they walk out of the way. We want someone to correct us when we do something silly or just to sit and listen to us babble. A spiritual father should nurture all his sons and daughters, develop a relationship, mentor them, love and correct them when they are wrong.

Has anyone ever longed for the guidance of a spiritual father?” How many times have you desired for someone to oversee your work and just bid you words of encouragement? How many times have you wanted someone to talk to other than your peers; somebody to hold you accountable? How many times have you cried out, “Where is my father? “ Believers are crying out for their Spiritual Fathers! They are important because they are a visible link between their congregation and to the Father in Heaven.

In the Bible, the Word of God says; but if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. We have become spiritual bastards in the household of faith. Webster dictionary defines bastard as something that is irregular, inferior, of a kind similar to but less typical than some standard, lacking genuineness or authority. Deadbeat Spiritual Dads have bastardized Saints in the church. They have reduced some people from a higher godly state to a lower state or condition.

Whom the Lord love he chasten and scourge every son whom he receive. The best of God’s children need encouragement and chastisement. We have our faults and follies which need to be corrected. Though God may let others alone in their sins, he will correct sin in his own children; they are of his family. In this he acts as a father, and treats us like children. No wise and good father will wink at faults in his own children as he would in others. His relationship and his affections oblige him to take more notice of the faults of his own children than those of others. To be allowed to go on in sin without a rebuke is a sad sign of alienation from God; such are bastards and not sons.

In our churches we have a generation of people who have been fatherless. They do not have an idea of what it means to have a father or to be one; therefore God has to direct them to a church where there are leaders with a father’s spirit and a father’s heart. Being a good Spiritual Parent involves putting your congregation needs above your own (including your "need" to be famous). It involves sacrifice. People are attending church looking for a spiritual father or parent. They want and need direction, encouragement, impartation and a sense of real family belonging; but their needs are not being met. As a result of this, they are angry, misguided and hurting.

It is important for the Church to have good and godly spiritual fathers and mothers. The Spiritual father/mother who faithfully nurtures and develops their flock is becoming more and more of a rarity in our society. Our Christians leaders need to be challenge to nurture all the people that God calls to their church. Jesus made his disciples fishers of men by patiently teaching them and committing his time and ministry to their training. He developed an intimate relationship with them and they duplicated his process. Jesus knew that their success was conditioned on training and skills as well as love and nurturing.

God did not save us to sit; God saved us to serve! It is our job to mentor and duplicate ourselves before we leave this earth realm. Spiritual dads, your sons and your daughters are watching your work habits and ethics. Know that while they may or may not follow in your footsteps, the chance is great that they will follow in your attitudes.

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Comment by Prophetess Dr.Teloria Williams on July 7, 2019 at 8:38pm

Amen ! Praise Him- these are not topics that churches want to discuss. There has been too much church hurt in the lives of believers and those who earnestly want to serve in the ministry. This is why we see so many headlines of leaders falling by the wayside. God is allowing them to be exposed for who and what they really are. There has been a counterfeit operating in churches and God is displeased with the way HIS people are being handled. Instead of the nurturing or parental guidance that is to be in spiritual Mothers and spiritual Fathers, they are comfortable going through the motions. It produces crippled up Christians in the Body of Christ, lack of respect and trust, and leads to lack of true purposes in the ministry ever being accomplished. Thank you for speaking up and addressing this. God Bless You. 

Prophetess Teloria

Comment by cherry on January 20, 2009 at 2:47pm
Awesome word!!!! And oh sooo true!!!

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