Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
Dear Partner,
This is a time to walk by faith. Not to be led by what you might see with your eyes. God sees victory very differently than we do. We see victory as the big finish, the trophy, the multitudes of people chanting our name or something like that. But there is a thing called an unseen victory. It is a victory that many people overlook, and sometimes deem as a complete failure. If you are led by what you see, you would have to conclude failure at crucial times in life. If you refuse to accept defeat and are willing to believe in "things not seen," then you will often find that in your darkest moments,
God was working something out for you in the unseen realm. You will KNOW you have the victory despite what may be apparent in the seen realm. Mankind is slow to acknowledge a spiritual victory making its way into the natural until its actually tangible or visible. But being spiritual, you don't need to "see it to believe." You believe it without seeing it, and that is the nature of FAITH! I want to say again that you will find that in your darkest moments, God is working something out for you in the unseen realm. One such time was at Calvary. When Jesus' followers saw Him hanging on the cross and then breathing His last breath; it certainly looked like defeat. As they walked home that night, for some, all hope was gone. But there were great things being done, even in hell, where Jesus was held. What was going on in the supernatural that made Calvary an unseen victory?
For one, Jesus paid the price for our sin. No one had ever been able to do that. We were to be acquitted of our doom and destiny to be separated from God forever whenever we chose to accept the washing of Jesus' blood. What else happened? Jesus defeated death, hell and grave. Those who believe on Jesus and have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life do not face the fear and torment of death. It is not the end for us anymore. It is the beginning of eternity with God, our Father. All sickness and disease became subject to the name of Jesus. Because of Jesus conquering Calvary, God gave Him the Name that is above every name. So through the Blood of Jesus, and His atoning sacrifice, we have healing. Those are just a few things that we have through Jesus' victory at Calvary. When God raised Jesus from the dead, all the claims of darkness were shattered. He stood forth in the Power of God, spoiling Satan and his kingdom. He came out of it all totally victorious, forever defeating the claims of sin and death. Jesus went to the cross in faith, believing He would be raised up. Even in His darkest moment, it looked lost. But He believed in God, He had faith in His Father that He would not "leave His soul in hell." God and Jesus had made a covenant that neither would break. Jesus promised to go to Calvary and pay the price for sin, God promised to declare Him innocent and raise Him from the dead. They both accomplished the terms of the covenant. It was sealed in the Blood of Jesus so it cannot be undone. Jesus was our example. It says in Ephesians 1:12 that God was the first to "trust in Christ." I love that verse. God first trusted in Jesus. So Jesus is our example of accomplishing an unseen victory, and God is our example of trusting in something unseen. You may go through many Calvary's in your life. You can rest assured, if you approach life the way Jesus came to the cross, you will always come out victoriously! Three things Jesus did in preparation for victory: 1. He accepted what God's Word said about Him, so now you need to accept what God's Word says about you. a. The Word says you are a "new creature in Christ" (2 Cor. 5:17) and are "more than a conqueror." (Rom. 8:37) 2. He stated beforehand what would happen at Calvary, and that He would be resurrected. a. You need to confess over your life that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper," and that you will ultimately prevail. 3. Jesus held on to the promises even in the face of death. a. You need to recognize that the Will of God is already determined for you. "All the promises of God in Christ Jesus are yea and amen." (2 Cor. 1:20) Jesus was not arbitrary about His faith walk.
He specifically held onto the Word and denied Satan the right to knock Him off of it. You and I have "great and precious promises given to us" (2 Peter 1:4) whereby all things pertaining to life and godliness are ours. You should never question the Will of God for your life. Jesus died to ratify the Covenant in His Blood. The goodness of God is irrevocable. He does not change His mind about loving you or wanting to stay in fellowship with you. Don't ever take the mindset that God is angry with you or wants to punish you. He takes no pleasure in punishment.
He seeks restoration with you if fellowship has been broken by sin. It is your job to come to Him and seek forgiveness and restoration. He will never deny you! At the Assemblies of Christ Ambassadors , prayer is a huge part of this ministry. We pray for you and ask that you pray for us. We seek God through constant, fervent prayer for many things. For example: our prayer team is in constant prayer for its partners. When you submit a prayer request, they will pray over that for at least 30 days or until they feel a release on it. So you know that you are covered and constantly lifted up.
We also pray for our program content and believe that God will direct us to teach and minister timely things to our viewing audience. We don't want to just have a "feel good" program. We want the power of God to come through that television screen into your home and the homes of anyone watching.
We also pray for our outreaches and overseas missions, and we covet your prayers in that as well. You are a vital part of this ministry, and we thank you for always being in support of it financially and spiritually. Every time you give, you are supporting the Assemblies of Christ Ambassadors on Gospel missions and praise Across Africa. You are helping us continue our programming, helping us reach a larger majority, supporting our outreach ministries and so much more! Thank you for your love and support!
We have the victory in Jesus!
Experiencing the Victory,
Samuel Opingo..
You can partner with us and send your donations at pay pal samuelopingo@gmail.com
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