Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Do Better!

Gen. 4:6 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry?
And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not
your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin
is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you
must master it."

Okay, let's take it back to the basics. I get emails
constantly asking if suffering and trials are a sure sign
that breakthrough and blessings are "on the way". Well, no! We have to be
very careful how we process messages and sermons that
we receive because they don't always pertain to everyone.
You can be at a conference and get all hyped up because
you want to rise above your present state, but never realize
that it could be you that is the problem and if you don't do better,
you will not get that breakthrough that you were promised.
There is so much hype going on about breakthrough that
you almost have to leave your money at home when you
go to these mega conferences or you will empty your bank
account trying to get something that your faithfulness
to God could have gotten you! God is not impressed with
your large offerings and gifts if you do not consistently live
for him. God is into the basics. Deny yourself, obey him,
be diligent, and you will prosper and be in good health!

Don't let the hype fool you. God will take care of you if you
are faithful to him. But YOU can pay all your bills if you work hard
and manage your money. YOU can be in better health
if you live right, eat right, and exercise. You won't
need a financial miracle or a life saving breakthrough if you
do what is right on a daily basis. I know people that are always
praying for money, but whenever they get money, they blow it on
designer clothes and jewelry instead of paying their electric bill
or rent! I know people that fast and cry out to God for a
breakthrough, and yet they are in sinful relationships outside
of their marriage! I know people that chase conference
after conference, read book after book, listen to tape after tape,
watch video after video, and swear that they are about to get a
breakthrough miracle, but they don't take care of their children,
their spouses, or even themselves. This is not the way my friend.
You must do better if you expect better. You cannot be a half
stepper and expect whole steps from God. God wants to be pleased.
That's the way to receive from him and if you do not please him, you
are on your own. Sure he can take a little and make much out of it,
but he must have your little consistently. You must do better!
If you keep doing the same things over and over, you will get the same
things over and over. Stop living beneath your privileges. You are God's
child and you must represent him well. Please him and he will please you!

Suggested Reading: Prov. 16:7, Gen. 12:2, Matt. 6:33, Luke 9:23

Views: 19


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Comment by MacArthur Clark Harris II on May 18, 2009 at 12:37am
Yes, I receive it in Jesus name. Amen! I love change, especially when it is instructions from the holy spirit.
Comment by Linda on May 13, 2009 at 10:53am

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