Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Dont Step Out From Under The Umbrella Of God!

The Umbrella of God- what is that exactly? The symbolism of the umbrella is the protection of God’s covering. When we as Christians turn our lives over to God, he in turn promises to guild and protect. As we know an umbrella shields us from the rain pouring down upon us. If we were to picture God holding a giant umbrella over his people, what would happen if one or more decided to walk outside that umbrella? Of course that is obvious; they would no longer have the protection of that shield (umbrella) and they would be drenched with the rains falling.
God is always there for us. It is always us that walk away from him. He promises if we will follow his words, and walk in his light, we will have his protection. Often in the faith we can find ourselves walking outside this umbrella without thinking. The cares of the world and burdens of life can at times overwhelm even the most honest of Christians. We find ourselves trying to put the problems of life upon ourselves and not giving them to God, and walking in a freedom that boggles the mind of any non-Christian. Often temptations will surround this umbrella and like any, they will attempt to lure all they can away from this protection. Outside that safety zone, they are vulnerable to any attack of the enemy.
It is much like a herd of sheep and the wolf that hunts them. The wolf will attempt to frighten the sheep, creating a chaos in the herd- causing them to separate and run away from the protection of the Sheppard. Having done this the wolf can search for the weakest one, outside that umbrella of protection, and make his kill. As long as the sheep stay near to the Sheppard, he can protect them. When the sheep begin doing their own thing, that ability to protect is lessened. Much like our Pastors - their words of guidance can only help, if we apply those words to our lives -amen.
Have you ever caught yourselves blaming God for your problems? I urge you next time, that when this happens stop and look around you- ask yourself if maybe you walked away from the umbrella of protection. That perhaps the first thing we need to do is run back home to where we belong. I promise you the Father will greet you with open arms. Just as in the story of the parable of the lost son, found in Luke chapter 15 verses 11 thru 32. This story tells us that God is always there waiting for us to return, that no matter what we have done, his love his undying. He will never turn us away.
So no matter where we are today, God stands there waiting with his arm stretched and saying “are you ready to come home child”. Even though the wolves may be biting at your heels, and the storms of life may be pouring down upon you, it is not too late to still come home. The lights are always on in the kingdom of God, for anyone that calls out to him. Remember to receive God’s protection we must stay under the umbrella, but we if we ever find ourselves in a spot. Simply step back under. Stay close to the Sheppard, and worry not.

Richard A. Kent

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