Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer



    I used to work in a steel mill and we collected a

 tremendous amount of trash, dirt and debris. Constantly we needed to sweep   and pick up unuseable pieces of pipe

and trash. We threw the trash into a dumpster. When the dumpster got full, we would get a forklift and empty

at the selected location. We would lift the dumpster up and release the hook, and it dumped clean of all the trash. Then it would flip back down, hooks itself properly and away we would go. This was necessary to keep a clean environment.



    How about the work place of our hearts? Think about it! It is appalling at the filthy junk we all collect in our lives. Some people don't even have a dumpster to get rid of all their worldly trash. They just keep it. Year after year after year this junk piles up. Others go through the motions and do pick up some of the trash and dump it, but they keep some trash where it is not seen so well.. It is too dear to them to get rid of. They think all is well and that no one will notice.



   BUT some people make a daily trip to the dump site. They cry to God like the thief on the cross, "Remember me." Before retiring for the night, they ask of the Forgiver, "Wash me clean, forgive me, make me whiter than snow." These people long to stay sparkling clean. BUT we have our human nature, we are not perfect. Perfection is reserved for heaven, the place of no temptation.




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